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  1. Calliesmom
    Calliesmom GlennR
    if you mean Willow running in the park- it worked perfectly
  2. GlennR
    GlennR Calliesmom
    Could you do me a favor and tell me if the link I just posted about Shelties running works?
    1. Calliesmom likes this.
  3. Derek
    Our baby girl princess Dixie
  4. GlennR
    GlennR Wendy C
    Hi Wendy. Can you tell me what you're feeding Cooper. I am still feeding Costco's adult veg and chicken. Willow seems to be doing fine on it but I wonder about long term health and she's only 3 1/2
    1. Wendy C
      Wendy C
      Cooper has trouble with chicken so he is on Hills Prescription Diet
      Potato and Venison and since we changed no issues. Sorry most likely no help there. I will tell you that he gets the Kirkland brand “greenies” at Costco and the Vet remarked on how beautiful his teeth are and he was 3 in February.
      Jun 12, 2022
    2. Wendy C
      Wendy C
      She seems very healthy, happy and is beautiful so just keep up the good work. :)
      Jun 12, 2022
  5. KarenCurtis
    KarenCurtis Chris
  6. Noneeds4me
    Noneeds4me trini
    Hi Trini, This is Terri from the old AOL Boards. I was doing some searching tonight about Panosteitis/Shelties & saw your post about Simba. We have a new pup (21 months old now) that we suspect has this. Xray did not show anything unusual so we went to an Orthopedic Specialist. His symptoms are limping on rotating back legs/whichever he has been laying on. I’d love to hear from you on this.
    1. trini
      Hi Terri, Sorry to hear your pup is having some issues...does he show pain when that leg is touched? If this is Panosteitis there is no real treatment for this bone infection, although anti-inflammatory meds and pain meds are typically used and in time it self resolves.
      BTW have you had him tested for a tick borne disease? Symptoms can be the same as for Panosteitis .
      Mar 15, 2022
    2. Noneeds4me
      Hi again Trini, the thought of Lyme did occur. He has been on Simparica Trio since 11/21. I’m reading it can cause Neuro issues. He was due again which is why it popped into my head to re-read possible side effects so I did not give him another dose and am switching to something else. Did Simba limp 100% of the time?
      Mar 15, 2022
  7. KarenCurtis
    KarenCurtis Chris
    Hi Chris
    Thanks for offering to help regarding Sandstorm, can you tell me more about your experience with your dogs and liver issues?
    Thanks, Karen
    1. Chris likes this.
  8. Selena Wohlslagel
  9. Selena Wohlslagel
    Selena Wohlslagel
    The look of love
  10. Selena Wohlslagel
    Selena Wohlslagel
    Luke's birthday is this week
    1. Ron Atkinson likes this.