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Nov 23, 2013
Apr 6, 2008
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Forums Sage, from earth

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granite was last seen:
Nov 23, 2013
    1. sheltieluvr6
      Hi! I just wanted to say that I've always enjoyed watching your videos on youtube. I love all of your dogs. I believe you helped me get obsessed with these little cute dogs too. I'm going to get my first one this upcoming May. He's going to be a bi black. I've noticed that you've had a few bi black puppies. Thank you for all of your videos!
    2. Mally's Mom
      Mally's Mom
      Thank you for viewing Mally's snow pictures. Also, thank you for the comment/compliment.

      Our Mally is truly a "winter dog" and loves the snow! He gets so excited when he sees a fresh batch. Before we got Mally I used to dislike winter. But with Mally loving it so, I see winter differently, it makes me happy to see him happy, so winter is okay with me now.
    3. granite
      Indy at 15 years old has health issues...he has CHF, thyroid problems, arthritis, poor vision, and is nearly deaf. Some days he does well....other days all he does is sleep. We take each day as it comes and know that, sadly, we probably won't have him too much longer.

      My husband is an enabler for pets. He wants more dogs. I think he's crazy.
    4. Sheltie:)
      I love love love alll your albums. Your pack is beautiful. I noticed that one of your guys is almost 15yrs old. That's incredible! Is he still in good health? I would be so happy if Judah lived that long.
      I was very curious to see what Emma looks like as she is a Sable Merle like Judah. Pretty girl! I noticed that Judah is much blonder than she is but is about the same color as a blonde one you have.

      Thanks for posting all these pics. Youare so blessed. ANd your husband must be one very patient man. Mine grumbles everyday about how we have 2 cats and 1 dog. and he is not even here more than 3 hours a day. The girls and I could never live petless.

      Have a great day!
    5. Mally's Mom
      Mally's Mom
      I wanted to wish you a Happy Anniversary.
    6. Katniss
      Thanks for the well wishes!! I am on the mend and will be home soon, but I do appreciate the thought. They only allow us 1 hour of Internet access a day here so I am feverishly trying to catch up the days happenings with everyone. I see you only have 3 puppers left. How wonderful and sad it must be all at the same time ... nice to see that some of our folks are now giving them great homes. Have a beautiful day!
    7. vicky2
      Thanks for the hint in that thread. I never read up on the other one about her so I did know they put her down. I would have felt horrible if they saw that post. :(
    8. Sumac3890
      Janet I hear my freind Marilyn has emailed you. How cool. I told her a new puppy can do some very good healing.

    9. Mally's Mom
      Mally's Mom
      Newton looks great, isn't he the rescue that did not want to eat at first? Or do I have him mixed up with another dog? And Sasha is beautiful. Her coloring is a lot like our Mallys.(even the streak at the top of her head is like Mally's.) I used to be a hairdresser, I always say it looks like Mally has a bit of a side part. Sasha's is alittle bit on an angle, too.
    10. Mally's Mom
      Mally's Mom
      Thank you for viewing Mally's new pictures and for the comments/compliments. Mally is an excellent subject, Don has been taking Mally's picture since he was a puppy. So if Mally sees Don taking the camera out he's all for getting ready and starts walking by Don to see where he is supposed to go. Also, Mally knows a lot of treats are involved, too. Mally is not stupid! Shelties certainly are smart aren't they?/almost human-like sometimes.
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