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Kongs, how do you stuff them :)

Discussion in 'Puppies 101' started by mom2b, Jul 20, 2014.

  1. mom2b

    mom2b Forums Regular

    May 17, 2014
    North Carolina
    I will put this simply: I have no idea on what to stuff a Kong with. I bought peanut butter but I don't want Kali to eat it too frequently, maybe once or twice a week..I also have zuke's but no idea how to make them stay in without the peanut butter :(

    I'm sorry if this is a dumb question, lol. Maybe I could get some tips and recipes for good healthy kong fillings?


  2. Emmasmom

    Emmasmom Forums Sage

    Apr 2, 2010
    I have used process cheese. I also read you can cube cheese and nuke it to melt it. If you put in the treats with just enough pb to seal the end, would this work?
  3. corbinam

    corbinam Moderator

    Oct 14, 2008
    I've used veggies and fruits when we were watching weight. You can just put a dab of peanut butter, yogurt, or even mashed banana to seal it.
  4. Ann

    Ann Moderator

    Feb 25, 2008
    I use organic low-fat or fat-free yogurt and then freeze them. Be sure there's no artificial sweetener in the yogurt you buy though; it's toxic to dogs. My guys love this and it's easy to do, plus you can make them ahead.

    Peanut butter has lots of fat and too much isn't good for them, I found.
  5. Emmasmom

    Emmasmom Forums Sage

    Apr 2, 2010
    I should have mentioned that I use the puppy-sized kongs, the smallest ones, for my three.
  6. Jess041

    Jess041 Forums Enthusiast

    Feb 2, 2012
    Houston, Texas
    I second the yogurt. I just get the plain stuff. Sometimes I'll put some fruit in there and freeze it. Then it takes a bit longer for her to finish. I'm not a big yogurt fan, but Missy has never complained! She also loves peanut butter, also frozen. I don't bother sticking loose treats in there. I can never pack it tight enough and she'll finish it in a minute or less.

    I use a medium sized puppy kong, which is pink. They are not recommended for adult dogs but Missy doesn't actually chew on it and isn't much of a chewer anyway. I'll probably get her a regular kong when I notice any tearing on the puppy one, but so far so good.
  7. Watson's Mom

    Watson's Mom Forums Enthusiast

    Mar 24, 2012
    Can you use yogurt with veggies and treats and freeze it? Would that make too much of a mess as it thaws? I've never used a Kong, except the feeder version. Watson isn't big on chewing unless it's a slipper. :mad:
  8. Jess041

    Jess041 Forums Enthusiast

    Feb 2, 2012
    Houston, Texas
    It's going to make a bit of a mess anyway, but yes, you can put veggies and treats in there. I have Missy eat hers on a towel. It's a toss up whether or not she stays on the towel, but she doesn't make too much of a mess.
  9. RikyR

    RikyR Premium Member

    Nov 27, 2013
    Baton Rouge LA
    I fill it with kibble and seal it with a piece of freeze dried liver. Zulu goes nuts when I open the liver tub. He runs to straight to his crate and waits for his Kong. He never notices us leaving.
  10. Mignarda

    Mignarda Forums Enthusiast

    Jan 17, 2013
    Dover, Delaware
    I give Dickens a teaspoonful of peanut butter in a puppy-sized Kong; it's amazing how he can get that big tongue of his in there and lick out every bit. I make a special beef jerky for him and sometimes cram a slice or two of it in the Kong; it's not easy to get out and he really has to work at it.

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