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Doggie Door Questions

Discussion in 'Sheltie Chat' started by k9kreationz, Apr 2, 2014.

  1. k9kreationz

    k9kreationz Forums Celebrity

    Oct 24, 2008
    Since this isn't about buying one, I put this here.

    For those that have dog doors, are you ever worried about people or critters coming in through it? What about bugs? I even thought about getting one of those collared activated ones, but then worry someone would grab my dog to get in.

    Am I just over thinking this or what? I had a door once. Miko wouldn't push on the flap. He wouldn't even push a for open unless he almost could fit in. It just wasn't him. So my uncle has it for his dog. LOL. The flaps had magnets in them so it stayed closed. I'm sure critters could get in, but no bugs.

    Thoughts? Other concerns?
  2. JacqueZ

    JacqueZ Forums Enthusiast

    Oct 4, 2012
    Akron, Ohio
    My parents have had a doggy door for years. The only thing going in and out of it is the dogs and occasionally my nieces. It isn't one of the collar activated ones, but it does have the magnetic flaps (double so that even if a bug did get in there's less chance of it getting all the way to the house) and it has a panel you can slide into place to lock it from the inside. If I really squeezed I might be able to get my shoulders into it, but it's small enough that I couldn't go any further, and certainly most adults I know would rate the same.

    Over all I think they're useful, and reasonably secure. I don't think we'll get one, even after the fence is done, Honey has no problem using them, but she doesn't like being outside if one of us aren't with her.
  3. Margi

    Margi Premium Member

    Nov 2, 2012
    Corona, AZ
    We've had the kind that fits on a sliding glass door, but those aren't sealed real well, so we bought a door with the doggie door built in for the kitchen. Can't imagine living without it! Hubby thinks snakes and critters will come in thru the flap, but in 13 years that has never happened. Nor have any bugs gotten in.
  4. Mignarda

    Mignarda Forums Enthusiast

    Jan 17, 2013
    Dover, Delaware
    Apart from the unpleasant prospect of critters coming in, I don't like the thought of my dog being able to go outside at will. I want to know what he's up to.
  5. k9kreationz

    k9kreationz Forums Celebrity

    Oct 24, 2008
    Thanks everyone. JacqueZ, I think I had that same door.

    I agree that it never sealed well. Funny thing, my uncle bought a new sliding glass door, so because he had to tear down the wall, he built the doggie door into the wall, so it's about a foot away from the sliding glass door, just hanging out by itself. Too funny. Since they think this is their last dog, he said he'll eventually take it out.

    I would hope, by the time I can get a door, that I'd have a little yard that's fenced and Koji can't escape. I'm hoping if I ever go that route, he uses to do his business, not make trouble outside.

    Would love to hear more responses. But it sounds like no one has issues with bugs and critters.
  6. Chris

    Chris Premium Member

    Feb 25, 2008
    We've had a doggy door for 7 years It opens from the living room onto a "doggy porch" my DH built. The porch steps lead down into the fenced yard. When we've had aged dogs, we've had a ramp. All the dogs use it, as does the cat. Today one of our chickens figured it out -- this may be a problem.

    Bugs aren't a problem - it seals well. So far, no critters or intruders. Heck, with four Shelties and a Corgle, they wouldn't stand a chance.

    When we got Beckon, the girls taught him how to use the door. It is incredible liberating!!
  7. Sullivan

    Sullivan Forums Enthusiast

    May 29, 2013
    I too installed the same doggie door JacqueZ described but you won't like my response. I loved the door and the convenience of Bambi being able to be in the small fenced yard whenever she wanted, sometimes she just wanted to go lay in the sun for awhile. Never had any critters or any bugs, however, my husband and I both worked law enforcement and some of the inmates were used as grounds crews, so they were around the animals and befriended them, so when he worked half his body through the door just enough to be able to reach the doorknob Bambi let him come in. It can be done, so that has to be a concern you might want to think about. Don't want to scare you but you know the saying, "knowledge is power". Hope this helps.
  8. corbinam

    corbinam Moderator

    Oct 14, 2008
    This is how I feel. My dogs are never outside unsupervised, so I don't like the idea of them going out and me not knowing what they're up to. They could be eating mushrooms, or rabbit poop, or barking at the neighbor's kids--all things I'd rather them not do. Also, we have coyotes so I want to be out with them. And lastly, I like to know when/how they potty. That way I know if something is wrong health-wise.
  9. JacqueZ

    JacqueZ Forums Enthusiast

    Oct 4, 2012
    Akron, Ohio
    Oh how terrifying! My parents is built into the wall, to the left of the sliding glass door, which opens from the right side, so they wouldn't need to worry about that. A strong argument for getting the doors that go into the walls instead of the ones that go onto doors.

    What ended up happening?
  10. cookieP

    cookieP Forums Regular

    Jan 28, 2014
    Spartanburg, SC
    My doggie door is in my sliding glass door and closes with magnets. My yard is surrounded by an 8' privacy fence that no one can see through and is blocked by other fences on both sides, so unless someone purposely jumped into my neighbors yard and then into my yard, there is no real direct access. That said, a man couldn't fit one leg through the door, it is really small, just big enough for Cookie who is about 17 lbs.

    I love my dog door. I understand the sentiments of those who want to know what their dogs are doing, but I love him being able to let himself out while I'm gone. He isn't much of a barker so I don't have to worry about that. I clean up the poo every day, so I can still keep track of his poo. If it's in the yard, it means he did it that day. Also when I pick up the poo I do a daily check to make sure there is nothing he could eat out there.

    When it comes to using it, I never forced him through the door, but I did entice him with cheese. It took about an hour and a half of cheese bribing to get him to get comfortable with the flap. Originally he wanted no part of it, now he doesn't even notice it. He was totally fine with it within a day. I have had no bugs or critters in the house and I live in a really buggy area of the country (SC). It also comes with a lock and block that I slide in over the door at night to prevent anyone from using it. I also sometimes use this when I don't want him to go outside for a particular reason (people coming to fill propane tank, bad weather, mowing lawn, etc.)

    I understand the reasons for not owning a dog door so I don't really blame people that don't have them. I go on day trips semi-frequently where Cookie cannot come along, so when I'm gone 12 hours, I'm really thankful I have it. Also I like not having to let him out to pee every few hours and wondering whether or not he has to go and all that. I did it for the first few months I had him and once he was 8 months old I said...time for a dog door. The cat loves it too :)

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