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Shelties United Against Mean Moms

Discussion in 'Sheltie Chat' started by Watson's Mom, Jul 21, 2014.

  1. Watson's Mom

    Watson's Mom Forums Enthusiast

    Mar 24, 2012
    This iz Watson speeking now. I iz afraid my mama haz you all fooled! She iz not a good sheltie mama... she iz the MEANEST MAMA EVER!!

    She told me thiz weekend "we iz going to a party" and I luv parteez! She said "Watson, you hafta look handsome!" Iz I already not the handsomest sheltie ever? I tried to give her sad eyez but she said No, I'm trimming your nails anyway. She said I iz not allowed to grow talonz and I also can't wear a rat's nest for a coat. I don't know what that meanz, but she trimmed my nailz AND brushed me!

    Then, at the party everyone loved me and someone said she should give me a hot dog... but she WOULDN'T!! Why iz she so mean all the time? I acted all slow and sleepy to find a hot dog on the ground, but I found a meatball instead cuz people are silly and drop stuff. I tried to be quick and sneaky, but she figured me out and fished the meatball out of my mouth and said "Oh Watson, you can't eat that you'll get the poopz." What are the poopz? I might not get them, but I haz a meatball now! :mad:

    She took me to class last night and said I'd get lotz of treatz. Do you know what I got? Carrotz and green beanz!! Mama said I'm a porkchop... I think that iz something I want to eat!

    I can't believe how mean my mama alwayz iz to me! Don't let her fool you!

    The undersigned and aggrieved sheltie,
  2. MissieLynn

    MissieLynn Forums Enthusiast

    Jun 14, 2013
    Emmy here, that's awful! Jump on her head every morning for a week to teach her a lesson. :yes:
  3. SheepOfBlue

    SheepOfBlue Premium Member

    Oct 15, 2009
    Sca here, I might have to grow talons Mr Watson. You should do flyball. Lots of treats, all the barking you can do and did I mention treats. Oh and you get to run and jump. My sheep sees that I am slipping my back foot though at times and is investigating how to fix it (like I need fixin :confused2:) One solution is longer nails.... so razor talon Sca!
  4. JacqueZ

    JacqueZ Forums Enthusiast

    Oct 4, 2012
    Akron, Ohio
    Watson, I think you is ta most handsomes sheltie boy, and you'd look even better with talons. (Maybe they are something you wear on your head?)

    Also, finders keepers and for being clever enugh to find a meatball, you should probably have gotten both the meatball and the hotdog. Days and days and many days before this one, I found a hamburger on the ground at the park and I casually sniffed it until my boy looked away and than I tried to gobble it up.

    But my girl was watching and said, "No! Don't eat poop!" It was not poop, so I kept eatting it...(If it was poop, I would have eaten it anyway, those goosies poop tasty) But she still took it away, rubbed my head and said I was a good gurl. If I am a good gurl, why couldn't I finish my hamburger thing?


    PS if you could visit me we could beg my gurl for the turkey together. She is a mushy one and can never resist the puppy eyes. Two sets would work even better than one.

    (and also, I think you're really brave)
  5. Lunatic59

    Lunatic59 Forums Enthusiast

    Jun 18, 2013
    Jackson and Franklin here. Wut you needs is a brudda to tag-team mama so one get's the goody on the ground while the other distracts her. Then when she yells at your brudda for picking up stuff off da ground, you steal it from him!
  6. Watson's Mom

    Watson's Mom Forums Enthusiast

    Mar 24, 2012
    Emmy- I like how you think! Normally I wake up my dad to my morning poopz... not anymore, I'm gonna hop on mama'z head at 5:30, sharp!

    Sca- She would probably still try to give me beanz and carrotz for treatz! I hope your mama sayz talonz are ok for you! She iz probably nicer than mine!

    Honey- I'm gonna visit your state tomorrow! I love turkey! I never ate poopz before, iz it good? Does it taste like turkey? I'm pretty sure we have poopz in the basement, and it must be yummy cuz I'm not allowed down there!

    Jackson and Franklin- I heard my mama talk to my dad about a brother for me.. I think it would be fun, how do I convince him that's what I need... he doesn't need to know we'll tag team for treatz.... My girl Pixie can hop on the counter, cuz she's a cat, sometimez she throwz me a cookie! With a brother, mama wouldn't know who wuz bad!
  7. Mom2Melli

    Mom2Melli Forums Enthusiast

    Oct 2, 2013
    Central California
    Watson -- MY mom tried the carrots & green bean thing too. I treated everyone real mean and didn't do anything right in class. Mom bought me EXTRA yummy treats to make up for it!

  8. Lunatic59

    Lunatic59 Forums Enthusiast

    Jun 18, 2013
    Try to play tug-of-war by yourself and then get all pouty when it doesn't work!
  9. JacqueZ

    JacqueZ Forums Enthusiast

    Oct 4, 2012
    Akron, Ohio

    You have NEVER had PoOP! Poop is so yummy! Kitty poop is yummy, goosy poop is yummy, bunny poop is yummy... I think every kind of poop must be yummy! (The people never ever ever like us to eat it though, and they like it even less ifs I roll in it.)
  10. Margi

    Margi Premium Member

    Nov 2, 2012
    Corona, AZ
    Fillion here-- All you have to do is take a toy to the puppy in the mirror and cry and whine and try to give it to him! I only had to do that for a week and it worked--Mama went and got my dad to come live with us:biggrin2:

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