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Grooming advice for a newbie?

Discussion in 'Grooming' started by Skysong, Jun 15, 2014.

  1. Skysong

    Skysong Forums Regular

    Mar 9, 2014
    NSW, Australia
    Hi all,

    As I'm preparing for the new puppy I'm trying to read up on everything I can so I feel prepared and have everything I need ready. Well today's topic is grooming! I've watched a YouTube video on line brushing and had a read of some past threads on grooming and I've come to the conclusion I need:
    *a pin brush
    *a slicker brush
    *a comb

    Now, would you recommend a wooden pin brush or a normal one? What's the difference?

    Do I use different brushes for different parts of the body or do I use them in a certain order?

    I'll also need nail clippers and some sort of scissors for overgrown paw fur from what I've read. Other than that do I need to trim any other fur if it is not a show dog?

    I know when brushing I should always mist first with water. Anything else you feel I need to know or do?

    Thank you for any help!
  2. trini

    trini Forums Sage

    Nov 13, 2013
    upstate NY, USA
    Many people also trim their sheltie's ears as well as their paws...I never have trimmed mine's ears. Sounds like you have a pretty good grasp on what you need and how to handle the grooming. The two areas that tend to develop knots in the fur are behind the ears and just under the front legs (their "arm pits")...if you comb those areas out every couple of days knots won't be an issue.

  3. corbinam

    corbinam Moderator

    Oct 14, 2008
    I would highly recommend The Illustrated Guide to Sheltie Grooming. A lot of it is for show dogs, but the parts that are relevant to all sheltie owners are SO helpful. It's how I learned to groom my own dogs.

    My favorite pin brush is the 20mm Chris Christensen pin brush with metal bristles. I use this to do the majority of line brushing (the entire body).

    I also have the 3 3/4 slicker brush that I use for ears and tops of feet.

    The only other brush I have is a metal comb with wide & thin teeth. I use this when they are shedding to get rid of what is called the "thatch" when the undercoat starts to come loose and can knot if you don't pull it out. It's also good if knots form behind your sheltie's ears (which is common if you don't stay on top of it since that hair is finer).

    I trim the following:
    -Paw pads
    -Poop chute
    -Back of legs/thighs as it gets very bushy
    -Hygienic trims
  4. Skysong

    Skysong Forums Regular

    Mar 9, 2014
    NSW, Australia
    Thank you so much for the advice. I'm not sure I could afford the book right now with all the puppy supplies I have to buy. But then I think I could get away with not getting one for a few months until the pups gets a little older. So I'll put it on my list.

    I was looking at all the Crist Cristensen brushes and they seem a little expensive but I have heard such good things about them. And the way I look at it is, I plan on having my Sheltie a long time, so it's not like I'm not going to get my monies worth out of them! :lol:

    *** Also I forgot to ask: What tool do you use to trim fur with?
  5. BarbV

    BarbV Forums Celebrity

    My grooming practices have changedvover the years

    You have obviously done your homework though, so you are well on your way.

    Yes, damp fur is best.

    I prefer a softer slicker. Four Paws or Tender Care make great slickers.

    I now use my CC 35mm pin brush almost exclusively. Love it. It will last. You can buy cheap ones but the oins push after awhile. Invest in a brushes.

    I like a greyhound comb which combines thin and thick pins

    Baby powder to help loosen matts behind ears. Quick stop for if you hit a bleeder while doing nails.

    Rounded nail scissors...I have two sizes....regular 5 inch and nail scissors for trimming between toes.

    I do use a rake occasionally on Indy because he has really thick undercoat.

    And a bikini shaver...wonderful for trimming feet and poop cute!
  6. SheepOfBlue

    SheepOfBlue Premium Member

    Oct 15, 2009
    A little baby powder behind the ears will cut knots a ton when you pup hits that stage (can't remember when but both guys had a stage)
  7. BarbV

    BarbV Forums Celebrity

    Forgot to mention, for a puppy, you just need round tipped nail scissors to trim nails to start.

    The nails will start to harden once teething is done at which point you can move to proper clippers. I personally don't like guillotine style, but that's just a personal choice. I like Four Paws

  8. Sheltiez4evr

    Sheltiez4evr Forums Regular

    Sep 8, 2014
    Resco nail clippers

    Resco nail clippers are excellent, reasonably priced and available. They last forever--ours are nearly 20 years old and work like new.

    Get a set of replacement blades and you're good for many years.

    Most important in grooming is to have patience, take your time, as puppies have short little attention spans, keep the puppy happy and calm, groom as long as puppy tolerates without biting the brush, and enjoy yourselves! :smile2:

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