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SUBU! Send in the TROOPS NOW

Discussion in 'Sheltie Chat' started by MissyGallant, Jun 27, 2014.

  1. MissyGallant

    MissyGallant Forums Enthusiast

    Dec 20, 2011
    Annabelle here- I needs the troops. Some hjorrible thing called werk keeps steeling my MOMA! She's tired and don't wanna leaf me. But she says she hassa go to werk! And I can't go wff her! I ken go everywhere wiff her. but not dis werk place. Werk muss be a horroible place if shelties can't go there.
  2. Jess041

    Jess041 Forums Enthusiast

    Feb 2, 2012
    Houston, Texas
    Annabelle, mommas have to go to work to bring home the kibble and cookies! How else are we supposed to maintain this lifestyle as spoiled Shelties?

  3. Harbour

    Harbour Forums Regular

    Oct 10, 2011
    Annabelle, my momma leafs me to go to werk also. I nos it has to be horrioble place as she sad to leaf me. Not sure whats to do, she seys she have to goes sos I have food ands toys. Shelties need to be let go to werk, it would make momma's must happier.
  4. Mom2Melli

    Mom2Melli Forums Enthusiast

    Oct 2, 2013
    Central California
    My momma works from home now, but she says looooonnnnngggg ago her very first Aussie, Quasar, used to go to her classroom because he was a therapy dog and they let him come keep the kids calm. He loved it. You should go to work with your momma! But you have to be very very quiet.

    ~ Melli
  5. ute_fan

    ute_fan Forums Enthusiast

    Jan 23, 2012
    Callie here. I agree that we shud go to werk with our Mamas. My Mama says her werk won't let her have dog because her werk makes medical supplies, and the FDA won't allow dogs in because we shed. We're Shelties! It's not our fault our pretty fer falls out!

    She says maybe if they made hare nets for dogs I could go, but I don't want to wear something like that. It makes me sad :no:
  6. JacqueZ

    JacqueZ Forums Enthusiast

    Oct 4, 2012
    Akron, Ohio
    Annabelle, I am sorry your person needs to go away to work. My girl is home with me almost always, even if she does spend to much time in the stoopid swiveling sleep place, and so I am a lucky Sheltie.

    Some days she has to go away to work and I get to go too. She says I help make people comfortable, and I am good at getting the little people pups attention. I like those days, we are at the park and I try my hardest to be a good helpful sheltie!

    (sometimes though, there are just such good smells I forget, and one time I was so distracted I fell off a bridge and scared everyone!)

    Other days she has to go away to work and does not take me. She spends alllllll morning packing up lots and lots of stuff and ignoring me! And then she drops me off at grandmas, and she is gone forever and ever and ever. I try to find her in case she is playing hide in seek, but grandpa yells at me to "Stop That Pacing!", so I suppose she is not just being very sneaky. She does not get home until after bedtime and then she is to tired to play.

    When our people come home from work it is our job to give them lots and lots of kisses and let them know we spent the whoooole day missing them, and waiting for them to come home, and that we never ever ever want them to go away again! That is what makes them happiest! (I do this by giving her a few nose nibbles, nose nibbles are always a good way to show she's important)

  7. Chris

    Chris Premium Member

    Feb 25, 2008
    Layla Sable here. When my Mamma worked, she took me mots of times. I even had my own bed in her office. I would sleep through her classes, just like the students!

    Now she is retired and I have her nearly all the time. I really like it!!
  8. BarbV

    BarbV Forums Celebrity

    Indy here....sorry Annabelle...we can't send troops or file complaints. Us older ones knows that our parents need to go out sumtimes to get our fud.

    Ize been telling Callan this every time he gets locked up in his crate. Then I laughs because stupid puppy is locked in crate, and I is FREE! Hah!
  9. SheepOfBlue

    SheepOfBlue Premium Member

    Oct 15, 2009
    My sheep recently escaped for about 6 days. First he dropped me and Sca off to the party house. I thought we were staying for just a day so I could get everyone into line over there. I was kind of upset at first but Mom of Sheep feeds me more. Also she has this really tall grass that is wonderful to eat the ends off. She called them berries which I thought was a strange name for grass. But I am home now and sheep grazed the lawn flat with that big green thing. Now my belly does not get wet when I chase boomers. But now Sca is hogging the fan.

    It is a tough life being The Spitfire!

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