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What's a good vacuum for cleaning up after dogs?

Discussion in 'Other Equipment' started by JReger, Mar 11, 2013.

  1. Shelby's mom

    Shelby's mom Forums Enthusiast

    Jan 4, 2012
    Shelby likes the Dyson too. Works great. She likes to pull the brush attachment off when I vaccuum. I am teaching her to keep the ball in her mouth when we clean
  2. Tagg

    Tagg Forums Enthusiast

    Jan 4, 2012
    Brantford, On
    I have central vac and love how well it takes care of the hair but hate the heavy lugging of it. My son and his wife bought a Dyson and love it. They also have central vac but never use it anymore - just the Dyson. If you can get a good refurbished one with a guarantee, that's the way I would go.
  3. insideout

    insideout Forums Enthusiast

    Aug 26, 2011
    We have the Dyson Animal Complete, it is awesome. We went through a few cheap vacuums that died quickly and decided to finally bite the bullet and get a Dyson. It was worth it!
  4. Lightplum

    Lightplum Forums Sage

    Jan 4, 2009
    Rhode Island
    yup mine was around 8 years old and I used it every day...I probably could have had it fixed..but my dad decided to "fix" it, needless to say he contributed to the new Dyson...I got the dc41..I had the DC 15 I have to say though the DC41 just doesnt have that "hefty" feeling like my old one...like the DC15 fell down the stairs numerous times without breaking, not sure id put as much faith in the new one...although it is nice to pick up and use since its a lighter weight..but just feels slightly cheaper...and I dont like the "new" attachments...Id prefer to use my old ones but they dont fit:(
  5. maddiesmom

    maddiesmom Forums Enthusiast

    Dec 14, 2011
    port orchard wa
    Definitely Dyson Animal. We have had several vacs, from cheap to expensive and none have last. Hubby picked up a Dyson at auction and now I know I will never use any other type of vac. Well worth the cost.
  6. susanmccain

    susanmccain Forums Enthusiast

    Jan 27, 2013
    London, Ohio
    I just purchased the Dyson DC41 Pet Complete and love it. it was expensive but does a fantastic job on the Sheltie hair. It works well on hardwood and carpet.
    I guess that is what income tax refunds are for!
  7. Greenepony

    Greenepony Forums Enthusiast

    Jul 2, 2012
    Eventually we're getting a Dyson but for now we have a Hoover Windtunnel MAX Bagged Upright - UH30600 that does a pretty good job (we moved from a place with hardwood everywhere to carpet and it survived).

    I would *not* recommend Eureka Power Paw (or something like that, it has a little paw decal on it when you buy it), it died soon after we got Olive and it didn't even have to deal with carpet.

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