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Is he ready?

Discussion in 'Obedience' started by 2GoodDogs, Apr 13, 2012.

  1. 2GoodDogs

    2GoodDogs Forums Enthusiast

    Jun 17, 2010
    HECK NO!!!!

    On a whim, and since I'll be there with Bobby - I've entered Justus in UKC Pre-Novice. How far wrong can we go??? Wait... don't answer that! LOL!

    We don't have a solid stay... we have a penchant for zoomies... the stand for exam is really a leap 10 feet, sideways... :D

    But, for the first time ever... his name will appear in print - in a catalog even!

    Bobby is going to show in Open at the Carolina Obedience and Agility Club in Fountain Inn, SC and now Justus gets to go along for something other than the ride! Please Bobby, remember your stay means... don't move! Please...?
  2. Silaria

    Silaria Forums Sage

    Sep 19, 2008
    Aspinwall, PA
    Good luck this weekend!
  3. Chris

    Chris Premium Member

    Feb 25, 2008
    He may surprise you!!!
  4. Silaria

    Silaria Forums Sage

    Sep 19, 2008
    Aspinwall, PA
    I was thinking the same thing, Chris. Our little guys have these wonderful ways of surprising us when we least expect it.
  5. fuzbuttsheltie

    fuzbuttsheltie Forums Enthusiast

    Aug 4, 2011
    Good luck and have a great time. I think the first official ring experiences for all my pups are embedded in my memory for life. Some were embarrassing while others were quite enjoyable. I hope Justus surprises you pleasantly and proudly.

    Bobby, remember, to stay! I know you can do it! You must set a good example for Justus!! Another Q would make your mom feel great!

    Armitage Dazzling Spun Gold CDX, RAE
    Double Dare Derrick CD, RAE
    Staymat Magnificent Journey UD
    Blackmyst Poker Face
  6. 2GoodDogs

    2GoodDogs Forums Enthusiast

    Jun 17, 2010
    We are driving up Saturday morning. I won't practice anymore this week, too neeervous!

    I can put Justus in a stand physically, so I'll do that. The stand signal is broken. The stay is too, but I'm really working that. Setting him in front of the jump - stay - walk to the other side - and (if he doesn't break) I take turns walking back to reward with calling over the jump.

    Geesh, its just pre-novice... you would think I could handle the nerves!

    OTOH, it is keeping me from worrying Bobby! :)
  7. 2GoodDogs

    2GoodDogs Forums Enthusiast

    Jun 17, 2010
    Hmpfff... night before the trial and I don't know what I'll do. I was going to ride up with a training buddy to share gas and hotel. She called this afternoon on her way out of town.. sorry she said, she was going early to see friends and will see me at the trial (out of state) tomorrow. Hmpfff...

    I assume she will still want to share the hotel, but I guess I should assume nothing other than she didn't want my company on the ride up... :confused2:

    Grrrr... :gaah

    What do I do with this? Just drive myself up there go and try to have fun, or stay home and make her suffer ... (LOL, ya, right) It is about 3 hours each way... :gaah

    What would you do?

    Only 15 dogs were pre-entered in this trial, 0 in novice a, b or c! If I go, I'll put Bobby in Novice C each day to try and increase their bottom line...
  8. corbinam

    corbinam Moderator

    Oct 14, 2008
    If I had already planned on entering, and if I could afford the gas/hotel by myself, I would go. Once I get it in my head that I'm trialing on a certain weekend I would definitely want to go.

    I look forward to it all week, and get myself all psyched up about it. I would be really disappointed if I just stayed home.
  9. SheltieChe

    SheltieChe Forums Sage

    Jan 6, 2010
    Looks like you have plenty of experience in trialing... is it easier to start when fewer dogs are competing? like making for low key atmosphere?
    I can not say I ever look forward to competing but apparently my youngest dog does- it appears that Leo ENJOYS performing...
  10. 2GoodDogs

    2GoodDogs Forums Enthusiast

    Jun 17, 2010
    I am here with both dogs, it was a nice drive and I enjoyed the music and time to think, it was a real luxury to bring everything I wanted in comfort.

    I guess my friend is suffering trial nerves, she apologized again, and set up on the other side of the building.

    Looks lome day of entires picked up, I entered three more classes, turning into a pricey weekend for me, but hey, this is a splurge! And it is Justus's first time in a catalog!

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