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Sheltie left side paralyzed

Discussion in 'Diseases & Illnesses' started by hendricksh, Apr 10, 2012.

  1. hendricksh

    hendricksh Forums Novice

    Apr 10, 2012
    To whom can help!

    New to the forum... I have recently in the last 2 days noticed my dog is paralyzed on the left side of face. She is 13 years old and is a pure breed Sheltie. I took her to the doc yesterday and this is the newest latest greatest information. As a proud mom of her I am so scared of loosing her or having to make a decision to put her down.... This is where you come in.

    1). Her left eye is blind, does not blink, drains constantly.
    2). her left side lip is sagging causing her to not eat well and slobber everywhere.
    2). Her ALP numbers were 414 six months ago but now they are 716.
    3). Her ALT numbers were 348 six months ago but now 506.
    4). Her GLU number is 144.

    They are doing a test to see if she has cushings disease and I am sure she does per the research I have done.

    Am I holding on to her? Can she be in pain? Do you think she will get better or worse? I need to make a decision but I feel like it is not enough information for me to know or it could be I just dont want to let go!!!!!
  2. danisgoat

    danisgoat Moderator

    Jul 23, 2009
    Welcome to the Sheltie Nation forum. I am so sorry to meet you on such a tragic situation.

    Unfortunately, in my opinion, that choice has to totally be up to you. That is a decision that only you can make.

    I always know just by paying attention to your dog's behavior. They will tell you when they are not comfortable anymore. Look into her eyes. Shelties are just so intelligent and expressive.

    I am thinking of you.

  3. Maida

    Maida Forums Regular

    Jul 31, 2011
    Beaverton, Oregon
    Left side paralyzed

    Hi, Hendricks mom,

    I am sorry to hear your little sweetheart is having trouble. Did your vet give you a real diagnosis yet as to what happened? It sounds like a stroke, but did he say what caused it? I know he is doing more tests to see if it is Cushing's. Cushing's can be treated with medicine, which I suppose you already know from your research. I have had two beautiful little Shelties come down with Cushing's and they still were fine for a long time with medicine. And love, of course. I believe love is the most important thing when they are sick.

    As for all the numbers you gave for tests done, I am guessing those are from kidney and sugar functions but don't know for sure ALP. Your vet should be able to advise you on helping your baby eat better. I don't know about the slobbering. If your vet isn't helpful, I would take your baby to an internal specialist, especially endocrinologist who is more valuable for Cushing's.

    I know this is a very scary thing for you right now. I can only tell you, if it were my baby, I sure wouldn't give up this soon. They are so precious. Good luck and God bless you and your little sweetheart.

    Maida, owned by sweet Christopher and little Ritchie, and my eight beautiful precious babies in Heaven
  4. Ann

    Ann Moderator

    Feb 25, 2008
    I'm so sorry about your pup's illness. As Maida has said, there are some wonderful medications for Cushings if that's the diagnosis. There is also at-home physical therapy you can do to help her recover from a stroke. So please don't give up. Gather as much information as you can from your vet. Please keep us posted on how she does. We're sending good thoughts and hoping for good news for you.
  5. Mally's Mom

    Mally's Mom Forums Enthusiast

    Oct 18, 2009
    I, also, welcome you to the forum. So sorry for what you and your sheltie are going through.

    Both you and your girl are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Please continue to update us. Thanks. (we are a caring bunch here)
  6. Dexter'sMom

    Dexter'sMom Forums Enthusiast

    Dec 29, 2011
    Ottawa Ont Canada
    I too am sorry to be meeting at this difficult time.
    Welcome aboard none the less.
    I know how difficult it is when our darlings are unwell,and it seems we have decisions to make. Please keep us updated.
  7. dawns2shelties

    dawns2shelties Forums Sage

    Sending prayers to you and your little one.
  8. Danny's mommy

    Danny's mommy Forums Enthusiast

    Jun 2, 2011
    Also sending prayers for you and your fur baby.
  9. sable

    sable Forums Enthusiast

    Oct 2, 2008
    I am so sorry. Possibly your sheltie had something like a stroke and will come out of it. Did the vet have indication what the problem is?

    Hopefully all will turn out great for you and your sheltie.

    Our very best to you.

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