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AKC Measuring Wicket

Discussion in 'Agility' started by take4roll10, Apr 4, 2012.

  1. take4roll10

    take4roll10 Moderator

    Aug 31, 2009
    Our first AKC trial is approaching, but I have not trained Bailey to feel comfortable being measured.

    Any ideas on how I can get her used to it? Unfortunately, I don't have access to a wicket.

    Can I feed her treats while she is being measured?
  2. ortegah

    ortegah Forums Enthusiast

    Oct 18, 2010
    Baltimore, MD
    Yes you can feed her treats while she's being measured. I would get her used to placing something on her shoulders while she stands on a table. You can use a large ruler or a book and just place it over her onto her shoulders.
  3. take4roll10

    take4roll10 Moderator

    Aug 31, 2009
    That's great that I can feed her treats! For some reason, I thought you weren't allowed to feed them treats while they are being measured.

    I have a yard stick that I can use. I can place her on my living room ottoman and put the yard stick on her back. That's a great idea, thanks!
  4. ortegah

    ortegah Forums Enthusiast

    Oct 18, 2010
    Baltimore, MD
    They will probably tell you at some point to back away with the treat, just so it gets her head straight and she should relax a bit so they can get an accurate measurement. Some judges spend time getting to know the dog too so it's not as scary.
  5. Calliesmom

    Calliesmom Moderator

    Mar 29, 2008
    near Mobile, AL
    the pups were measured at Sheltie Nationals- the VMO did spend some time with them. but their wicket made this swooshing noise when it was lowered- Dixie didn't like that so was very tense. good thing she wasn't the one on the edge........:winkgrin:

    I don't think either time we used treats.... probably will depend on the person measuring.

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