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I feel SO bad!

Discussion in 'Puppies 101' started by Megansmom, Apr 15, 2012.

  1. pixgal

    pixgal Forums Enthusiast

    Jan 26, 2012
    Beaverton Or.
    Miss Sadie likes to be in the bathroom with me when I do my makeup and hair. I think she just likes being with me. The only thing I've found is I have to put her out and shut the door when I spray my hair. The first time I sprayed and didn't ralize she was there she sneezed for about 5 min. I felt so bad. I don't think the spray is good for their nose, eyes or ears. She doesn't like me kicking her out but it is for her good. As far a biting, she hasn't done that yet but I hear it does happen with Shelties. :(
  2. SheltieChe

    SheltieChe Forums Sage

    Jan 6, 2010
    Megansmom, I know you love your puppy and feel frustrated when he behaves like a brat. I can hear in your message how much you care about making this puppy raising business right. It could be difficult to figure out what to do. Yes, you do not want to yell and yes, you feel guilty after when they look at you with those sweet eyes. Been there, done that too:sadsmile:
    With any behavior you do not like your choice is to manage the situation and/or fix it by training. You can not allow dog to rehearse same behavior over and over again, otherwise, they will perfect it and will be brilliant at it.
    I am strong believer that saying No to a dog does not provide enough information. For once dog might be doing several things at same time-sniffing, scratching, eyeballing another dog etc... so while they read our negative emotions they not always associate No with what we think they should. Eventually they get it and figure out that No means mommy is angry about something and will stop whatever they might be doing if you keep repeating it. They still do not know what they suppose to do instead. Dogs as opposed to humans do not have abstract thinking patterns, so concept " Don't do it" is way above their intelligence. They only understand DO- sit, down, stand, bark etc. So it is much easier to teach behaviors this way IMHO
  3. BarbV

    BarbV Forums Celebrity

    Like your pup, Indy goes crazy over the hair dryer as well. He barks and barks, and sometimes goes into such a frenzy that he and Bacca "attack" each other.

    Most times I just ignore it because it lasts about 30 seconds until he realizes that no, the hair dryer is not devouring Mom, yet he persists in doing it everytime.

    I've been experimenting with the Pet Corrector and found that it stopped the barking immediately....but you have to reinforce with a positive reward right away. Hard to hold a brush, hair dryer, Pet Corrector and have a treat ready with only two hands.

    So I've then started trying to duplicate the Pet Corrector sound (sounds very similar to the evil Caesar Milan's Schhht! sound that he makes. That works too, but must remember to have treats handy when the attack stops! :rolleyes2:
  4. 2GoodDogs

    2GoodDogs Forums Enthusiast

    Jun 17, 2010
    I give a glob of peanut butter and they forget all about the blender. Hard to bark with a glob of pb in the roof of your mouth... works for vacuum too. Other than they can stand to lose a few pounds...
  5. Megansmom

    Megansmom Forums Sage

    Dec 4, 2009

    Barb remind me again of what the Pet Corrector is? Honestly since the one morning where I put him in a sit and grabbed his ruff with a stern NO, he's been better :fl. Now when I blow dry my hair he does bark and get jumpy, but doesn't attack me. Of course when I am done and he behaved, it's treat treat and good boy, hahaha.
  6. Megansmom

    Megansmom Forums Sage

    Dec 4, 2009

    :lol:, I may have to try the peanut butter trick sometime!
  7. biowicks

    biowicks Forums Enthusiast

    Mar 7, 2012
    My Pavi had a habit of going bonkers when my husband ran the coffee grinder. He had my husband's rountine down exactly and would start going crazy as soon as hubby rinsed out the coffee pot. He could hear it from anywhere in the house and would come running. Then it was bark bark bark, jump around in circles, and bark some more. We have a small cabin we go to in the summer, and when my husband was about to make coffee, he would just let Pavi out the back door. As soon as the coffee grinder started, Pavi would start running around the cabin outside. He would do it until the grinder stopped, then he'd bark at the back door. He was still nuts for a while after he came inside, but all the running around the house tired him out enough that he didn't have too many barks left:biggrin2: He never never bit anyone, however. I think he would have enjoyed taking a bite out of the grinder, though:lol:
  8. Ann

    Ann Moderator

    Feb 25, 2008
    I'm going to try this one on Barkley when the phone rings! :fl Brilliant!
  9. BarbV

    BarbV Forums Celebrity

    Pet Corrector is a spray bottle that issues a Psssht! sound. It stops Indy in his tracks. What I failed to do so far is have the treats handy to praise him when he stops. (It's really hard to hold a hair dryer, brush, pet corrector and bag of treats all at once! :eek2:

    But it does stop him....just need to work on the positive reinforcement side.


    Another product to consider...more expensive is a remote training device. I have no experience with these products, though I do sell them. Read the reviews and decide......like the pet corrector it requires both positive and negative reinforcement.


    And then, there are the collared version. Again, I can't comment on them - only present them as something to research and consider.

  10. biowicks

    biowicks Forums Enthusiast

    Mar 7, 2012
    I had to laugh when 'Pet Corrector' went on the market. My son is in the computer business, so he uses canned air all the time to clean parts. Every time he would spray it on something, Pavi would go crazy. In his case, the 'Pet Corrector' would just have inspired him to be more crazy :biggrin2:

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