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Wanting to adopt a shelte

Discussion in 'Adopt a Sheltie' started by Miranda, Feb 24, 2014.

  1. Miranda

    Miranda Forums Novice

    Feb 24, 2014
    Daphne, AL
    I'm located in Daphne, AL and looking to adopt a sheltie as we lost our baby on Jan 26 due to congestive heart failure. I haven't had much luck with Florida rescues as they do not adopt out of state (I'm only 30 minutes from Pensacola). Any advice/recommendations appreciated.
  2. Calliesmom

    Calliesmom Moderator

    Mar 29, 2008
    near Mobile, AL
    Gulf Coast Sheltie and Collie Rescue adopts in south Alabama. I got my first sheltie there and I live on the other side of the bay.
    but they do seem to have a limited selection at the moment.

    there are rescues that will adopt out of their area but you'll have to look around. search shelties on Petfinder and check the requirements for any group that has a sheltie that you might be interested in.

    I actually contacted a rescue in Ontario- figuring that they would say- no way but they said case by case. I just couldn't get up there before someone else adopted the girl that I was interested in.

    Oh welcome to the forums:yes:

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