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Why did you get the color sheltie you have?

Discussion in 'Sheltie Chat' started by Justicemom, Aug 5, 2013.

  1. Laddie's Mom

    Laddie's Mom Forums Enthusiast

    Jul 3, 2013
    To be honest, he was the only one left in the litter; however, they were all the same color, the shaded sable and white. Color did not matter to me anyway, I love all colors.
  2. Margi

    Margi Premium Member

    Nov 2, 2012
    Corona, AZ
    This is a fun thread to read :smile2:
    My husband had a mahogany sable he got from his cousin because she couldn't take him to college and his uncle didn't want him. At the time I was a Dobie girl, small dogs were for wimps LOL. Ah well a Sheltie will change your mind about that! So when we lost his sheltie I was already sold on the breed, and got another sable because that's what shelties look like! Then I added a tri (because he was available from the same breeder) as a companion for Callahan. But that's as far as my color experimentation is likely to go :wink2: I is getting old and crotchety and I likes what I likes!
    My heart cat was long hair all black and our last cat was a tuxedo so I guess I'm kinda set on cat colors too LOL

    PS: Now I know the way the universe works and someday in the future someone may remember I said this after I bring home a merle or bi-black LOL
  3. Calliesmom

    Calliesmom Moderator

    Mar 29, 2008
    near Mobile, AL
    then you are my hero having already attained the sheltie rainbow:smile2::yes:
  4. Tabitha

    Tabitha Forums Enthusiast

    Apr 5, 2013
    Lubbock, Texas
    Ooh, yes! I want a complete sheltie rainbow!:yes: But I think because I've had three sable heart dogs and 4 other wonderful sables, I will always have a 'mini Lassie' demanding to sleep in my bed.:biggrin2:

    EJHUNTL Forums Enthusiast

    Aug 11, 2013
    Ontario, Grand Bend
    Our first sheltie wasn't a pure bred ( no papers) - we were living in Dallas, Texas at the time and I wanted a dog for the kids. I answered a want ad from a young couple who had a sheltie that was just too active for their apartment. Brittany was on the big side ( more like a small collie), about 3 years old and mahogany coloured. We took her on trial and fell in love. She just needed some people to be with and a job - boy did she ever herd my kids!

    We had her for almost 4 years and then were told we were being transferred to Jakharta, Indonesia in 6 months and no pets were allowed. So with a heavy heart I started interviewing potential owners.many interviews later, I found a couple with kids (a must on our list) and with a sheltie already (bonus). So off she went 4 months before our transfer. Two months go by, there is a change in management and all international transfers are put on hold. We get told we are going to Canada instead, so I called the new owners to see if I could have her back but they said no. She had really bonded with their dog & kids and they did not want to part with her. I let it go as I knew she was in a good place and loved and had already had enough changes in her life.

    Next sheltie was blue merle ( my favorite colour still) girl from a breeder in Calgary, Alberta - we called her Dallas. We took her to visit the breeder a few times in those first months and when she was about 6 months old I got a call asking if I wanted to adopt a 9 month old pup that she had intended on showing but who turned out to be just a little too small. Blue ( named by the breeder) came to us and became my special dog. He loved his family but there was no doubt he was my dog first & foremost. I'm not too sure how to class his colour - he looked like a tri only with almost mocha coloured fur instead of black.

    After that came Kali - I had gone looking for a male merle (my favourite) but this little tri girl stood apart from her litter mates who were all busy playing with my daughter and came over to me, crawled in my lap and that was it she was mine.

    After being passed over to adopt a small shy 7 year old male from a breeder ( I was choice number 2) I started looking and had gone over to look at Hanna's sister - a tri who was also the runt, but she was such a busy little thing that I knew she wasn't the dog for me. Sable is my least favorite colour and Hanna is a sable merle, but again just snuggled in and has the calmest sweetest personality. I just knew she was the one for me. She's simply beautiful.

    So blue merles, especially ones with a lot of black & grey, are still my favourite - but a sweet calm temperament is what does it for me every time over colour.
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2013
  6. Mikos_Mom

    Mikos_Mom Forums Enthusiast

    Oct 7, 2010
    Vancouver, BC
    I started my sheltie hunt thinking that I wanted a tri female. After having trouble finding one (sheltie breeders in Canada are not as numerous as in the U.S.), I managed to find a breeder who had 2 bi-blacks (1 male and 1 female) and a breeder who had 2 sable males. – Neither breeder was all that close to where I lived, so all I could do was stare at the photos they sent me and try to decide which I would prefer. – There was just something about Miko’s (his name was Blair back then) face that spoke to me. I also found a better connection with his breeder than the other. So that was that!

    As for our new dog, Pippin (the shih-poo-x – aka. Sheltie wannabe) – He’s black and he was the last puppy in the litter. His breeder said that she has a heck of time finding homes for the black puppies. They don’t photograph very well. They just look like black fluff-balls – you can hardly see their eyes and there’s very little definition between body parts in photos. That may be why they’re the last dogs to be bought/adopted.

    EJHUNTL Forums Enthusiast

    Aug 11, 2013
    Ontario, Grand Bend
    Me too - gorgeous photo!

    EJHUNTL Forums Enthusiast

    Aug 11, 2013
    Ontario, Grand Bend
    I just love Spruce's colour! Oddly enough I really like blue eyes too.

    It's looking like my Hanna is going to have light brown eyes - she has the cutest eyelashes. Gonna have to get a close up when she's not sleeping.
  9. JameyK

    JameyK Forums Novice

    Aug 19, 2013
    Romo is a sable. We had four of those and one Blue. I have looked for a Tri around here, and you never seem them. In fact, I've never seen one in person.

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