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Someone memed Indie

Discussion in 'Sheltie Chat' started by GChiu, Aug 15, 2014.

  1. trini

    trini Forums Sage

    Nov 13, 2013
    upstate NY, USA
    Love the picture...it is adorable and so typical of our shelties...but don't like that someone took and posted it without your permission.

  2. GChiu

    GChiu Forums Enthusiast

    Even though I realize any photo I post on the internet, whether it's fully public (Sheltie Nation) or semi-private (Facebook), nothing is ever private.

    I just never expected to see a picture of Indie where the source wasn't from me! I did a double-take :eek2: :lol:.

    Should I do anything about it...? I won't be asking them to remove the photo since it is pretty funny, but should I bother letting them know it's mine?
  3. Caro

    Caro Moderator

    Jan 14, 2009
    I think it would be worth tracking down who did it, even if you don't pursue it anything further. Although if someone is making money from it you may want to.

    By law the photo is still your intellectual property, and by posting on SN you're allowing SN to use it but you aren't handing over the rights. Heck even if you posted it on FB it's still partly your IP, although you do sign over your soul to FB.

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