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The best mannered pup in our world

Discussion in 'Behavior' started by ferg, Jun 5, 2014.

  1. ferg

    ferg Premium Member

    Feb 10, 2014
    CHIP, of course is who I am speaking of. I have read quite a few of the posts on Behavior and thought I would speak of some of the fabulous things Chip does.

    We live on a quiet street with joggers, bicycle riders, folks just looking, and folks with their dogs. We have a large yard in the woods that is not fenced other than a "Wooden Rail Fence". Chip has his Run/designated play area that is fenced. We spend a lot of time working in our yard and 1/2 Acre garden about one block down the road from us. We have taught Chip to remain in the yard, back from the street. He has given us no problems with barking at people, wild animals, or other dogs. Folks talk to him from the street, most times with one or more dogs with them, he never barks at them. Just sits down with ears erect and watches. You can see the wheels turning but he never waivers.

    I have said before that he knows no strangers, meaning he is friendly with everyone human and animal. When anyone unfamiliar to him visits he immediately goes to that person or persons with tail wagging and a big puppy smile on his face. He loves everyone and they love him.

    House broken. Has not been in a crate since we brought him home from breeder. We have a soft plastic enclosure that he sleeps in and occupies when we leave the house. Not always ready to go into the "Crib" when we leave during the day, never refuses to go to bed at night. Sleeps from 9:00 PM to 6:30 or 7:00 in the morning without so much as a whimper. Barks his happy bark when we play with him. Any time of day when "Nature" calls he comes to one of us and barks to be let outside. He is not a "treat junkie". He does get a treat any and all times he does good. In the event we forget the treat there isn't any commotion from him, just goes about his play or whatever he was doing.

    Loves to go into the bathroom in the morning and evening with either of us. Has a couple unique toys in there such as the cardboard tube from toilet tissue, thinks he has to lick my feet when I get out of the shower. LOL We have a mirror low enough he can view His Highness. Will bark at the image or lick the mirror then simply lies down until we turn the light off.

    Chip has favorite areas in the yard as well as inside our home. Back yard is for fetching and general running and diving into our small pond with the frogs. We have two large porches as well as a Gazebo. When we are sitting in/on either, he amuses himself by chasing squirrels or looking in utter amazement at the many birds at our feeders. Quite often he just reclines and enjoys himself.

    Now, I don't want anyone to think this pup is not active. About 12 to 14 hours per day he wants to play, full tilt !!!! He had gotten pretty rough playing with me, my fault. His ultra sharp baby teeth have made a number of nasty cuts in my arms and hands. Decided I had better stop that so one day I sat him down in front of me while I was lying on the ground. Had been playing with him and it was getting rough. I told him that was the last of it, there would be no more biting myself or anyone else. When I play with him now he is told not to bite me. The mouth clasp on my hand or arm is very soft, he has only gotten rough one time since.

    I know our laid back Spring and Summer time is very helpful plus we are with him pretty much 18 to 20 hours per day including his night time.

    Chip will be five months old the 15th of June. Three months with this Beautiful Tri Sheltie has been just like it was when we had our four children. We adore this pup and we think he feels the same.

    Just thought some of you might like to know something about "HIS HONOR the CHIP".

    Thirteen weeks old in this photo.

    Attached Files:

  2. Justicemom

    Justicemom Forums Celebrity

    Oct 2, 2009
    Chip sounds like Justice. Justice was the perfect puppy. He never did anything wrong. Loved everyone and was smart as a whip. He was also so active he used to do kick flips off the cabinets because it was easy than slowing down to turn.

    Justice went though puppy class to intermediate to beginners to Novice and was in Open(2nd level competition obedience class) by 9 months. He had his first novice legs by 11 months and his first of 5 CDs by 14 months. He showed 33 times in Novice and never NQ'd. He had his first high in trial in the Bahamas outside of grass when he was 19 months old and got his first CDX the same weekend. He was my first utility dog- trained in 2 months to trial. He is the most amazing dog I have ever known.

    Cherish Chip everyday and as he grows. Those types of dogs don't come around everyday. :smile2:
  3. Sharon7

    Sharon7 Moderator

    Oct 31, 2009
    Chip has the life of Riley. Lucky you to have him and lucky him too. It's sure nice when they make life easy on you. Our first Sheltie Skye was like this, too. We called her "Best of Dog". :biggrin2:
  4. Sheltie4

    Sheltie4 Forums Enthusiast

    Jun 23, 2013
    Kansas City
    Chip is adorable!

    My first Sheltie, Patience, was a lot like Chip . . .so easily trained and since we lived in the country, learned quickly to never leave the unfenced yard. The only time she left the yard, was when my then 4 year old daughter, decided she was going to walk to Grandma's . . . . Patience stayed right with her, until I stopped their fun about 1/4 mile from the house!

    Patience is the reason I fell in love with Shelties . . .unfortunately not all of mine have been so well behaved, but they are still a hoot!
  5. Mom2Melli

    Mom2Melli Forums Enthusiast

    Oct 2, 2013
    Central California
    Maybe he can give classes. My Shay was a very very good puppy. I am hoping to hit the jackpot a second time with little Cubby coming home next month.
  6. bkzoo

    bkzoo Forums Enthusiast

    Feb 25, 2014
    Cara - let me know when you find the sign-up sheet for classes! :) We can let our "boys" sit next to each other.
  7. Mom2Melli

    Mom2Melli Forums Enthusiast

    Oct 2, 2013
    Central California
    Definitely! I am trying not to think about the possibilities (such as pulling up carpet staples or eating the baseboards). I pray each night my little Cubby is a calm one. I am going to look really strange when I meet him and start in on the puppy evaluation tests suggested by the monks, just to know what I am in for!

    I did a little shopping on the big A today for lots of things to cover lots of possibilities with the little guy.
  8. Sullivan

    Sullivan Forums Enthusiast

    May 29, 2013
    Hi Ferg, thanks for His Honors update. I love reading about his growing and learning experiences. My Bambi was also a very good girl and I could go on for days about her just like everyone else can, but since she crossed the Bridge in '09 I won't expound on her, just know she was the perfect Sheltie and I still miss her.
  9. trini

    trini Forums Sage

    Nov 13, 2013
    upstate NY, USA
    Your Chip is one of the very extra special ones...cherish him...as obviously you do. :)

  10. Chris

    Chris Premium Member

    Feb 25, 2008
    Chip reminds me of Layla. Except for two incidents (the dining room chair and the stairway carpet nibbles), she was, and remains, "practically perfect in every way"!

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