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sheltie vs collie what are the differences?

Discussion in 'Sheltie Chat' started by nykkchick, Jun 1, 2011.

  1. nykkchick

    nykkchick Forums Enthusiast

    Mar 7, 2009
    can anyone tell me the differences between a sheltie and a collie other than size? just trying to compare behavorial and apperance differences.
  2. danisgoat

    danisgoat Moderator

    Jul 23, 2009
    A difference that I notice in the "step" that is visible where the nose meets the head on a Sheltie. A collie doesn't have that "step" it is more just a slope from the head to the nose.
  3. tofu pup

    tofu pup Moderator

    Aug 28, 2009
    Brooklyn, NY
    The fundamental difference is the heads. Here is a headstudy of the "ideal" Collie head. Most will deviate from the ideal, but this shape (long, lean, very slight stop, small almond eye - though it always looks more triangular to me) is what prevails.

    Here is a webpage that has a good headstudy of the ideal Sheltie head. Again, most dogs will deviate from this, but overall the head will have a more prominent stop, be shorter, and be more of a blunt wedge than the Collie head.

    I don't think you can really rely on behavior to identify a Collie vs. a Sheltie. Shelties tend to be smarter (I think!), and Collies a little more low-key... but there are plenty of not-too-bright Shelties and wound-up Collies.

    A dog is a dog is a dog. I wouldn't stress too much about which yours is - the approach that you use to train a Collie and a Sheltie is the same. They're both intelligent, sensitive Herding-group breeds.
  4. danisgoat

    danisgoat Moderator

    Jul 23, 2009
    Thanks Megan....a "stop" is the word I was looking for when I said "step" :eek:

    I agree with Megan....I wouldn't worry to much about whether your new dog is a collie or a sheltie.
  5. nykkchick

    nykkchick Forums Enthusiast

    Mar 7, 2009
    THANK YOU!!!! im just hoping since i dont know for sure if he is a sheltie or a collie i can still post here to get help if he in fact turns out to be a collie. my sheltie is an amazing little angel, that honestly does no wrong. now the blue merle oh boy, one WOUND up boy at times!
  6. Toffee's Mom

    Toffee's Mom Forums Sage

    Aug 31, 2009
    Nova Scotia, Canada
    Don't think you have to worry, but your Shelties like most are indeed Angels :D
  7. The Quahog

    The Quahog Forums Enthusiast

    Dec 1, 2009
    Rhode island
    Shelties tend to have pointy little noses while collies have big 'anteater' snouts. :smile2:
    The more pronounced 'stop' means that the eyes are in more of a vertical plane, and , fortunately, the more normal eye lessens the danger of anomalies.
    Sadly, collies are really bred for abnormally tiny eyes (micropthalmia) which is a cause of a lot of their problems.

    As far as Collies, Shelties, or 40 lb 'tweeners' - trust me, everyone here loves them all, so don't sweat it.:wink2: -Dr. Mac
  8. Chris

    Chris Premium Member

    Feb 25, 2008
    Collies use their vast intelligence for others.
    Shelties use their vast intelligence for themselves!

    At least, that's what my DS claims!! :lol:
  9. BarbV

    BarbV Forums Celebrity

    It is a terrific question; and a loaded question as well!

    As many Shelties lines get bigger and bonier, the lines would appear to become more blurred between the difference between the Sheltie and the Collie.

    Yes, you can argue that they might have slightly different heads, but is that where the difference stops?

    I don't think so. I think the difference still lies in temperment. Though I'm not sure how to describe it. But I think Chris came close in her usual dry wit way!

    I see Shelties as cat-like - but not like a domestic pouffy cat - more like fierce little tom cat. They are protective of their space and their people, but like their luxory. They can be fierce and loving at the same time.

    Shelties tend to be independent thinkers (???) and Collies tend to be what? I'm not sure.

    All I know is that Shelties appeal to me and Collies do not.

    Interesting topic....can't wait to hear more from the forum.
  10. nykkchick

    nykkchick Forums Enthusiast

    Mar 7, 2009
    it is interesting isnt it. all i know is that i had 3 collie experiences, i rescued one that i treated for heart warms. now he was a huge collie, and he took off and rain away. he liked to hike his leg and pee on my curtains. he was just not fun. i think he was about 4 years old. i tried again with a collie, a puppy, and talk about temporalmental, jumped on my bed and peed and pooped ON ME. i just wasnt ready to deal with that. i was in my early 30s with no patience, so i found her a collie home. oh then there was the monster i rescued, when he jumed all over this womans child and she couldnt handle it anymore and didnt know what to do. i tried, and wow was he hyper, and crazy, so i gave him to the dog trainer at petco who had a farm for him to run on. now before i get yelled at, i want to say that i do tend to rescue animals to get them out of bad situations, and put them in good homes. as i did that with a chihuhua and a daschand, several years ago and both are still in there forever homes as i keep up with them. i also rescued kittens that were left on my porch, one pregnant, and a newborn under the porch. and the blue and gold macaw that no one could pick up. i worked with the bg and didnt want any mating going on so i placed him in his forever home as he no longer attacked and was so loving and sweet, his owner and i keep in touch all the time on facebook. ok i have a caring heart, and i hate seeing any animals neglected or hurt, so i need it stated, that i dont always take animals in to keep them if something happens and i cant keep them. i just hate seeing neglect. now having shelties vs those collies, they are no where near as tempermental. though i have seen shelties and collies super hyper and running away and not listening. however to me it seems that i have had better luck with shelties. whatever charley may be, im still getting that he is a collie, or no he is a sheltie. and funny i actually contacted collie rescue for help and guess what they told me lmao..... he was a border collie mix, im like NOT! than i forgot about an austrailian shephard too. i guess he definitly does bring attention to himself lol!

    what i have noticed is that he is very tempermental, and seems to need more attention and love than izzy. however, i have only had him a month and he was beat and left outside for 2 weeks straight. i couldnt touch his snout at all, nor would he let me hold him or snuggle with him without a fight when i got him. listening, oh that was a joke. i had to chase him down a couple of times when he got out of the house. charley got attached to me, and listens. with him i had to be careful and watch the yelling and of c ourse not smack him. though a light tap on the behind and no you go potty outside and take him outside worked in no time. he kept peeing on stuff in my house marking his territory a firm noooooo, and put him in the bathroom for 20 mins and let him back out, he quit doing that. putting him on a leash and a tie out for potty constantly stopped the need to run down the street. not bad for a month, he always wants to be with me, he is getting better with the i can be away from momma for a little while. im actually able to leave the house now and he doesnt destory the garbage and spread it all across my house. (well at least yesterday morning i was gone for a half hour and all hell didnt break loose!) oh forgot about the pooping in the basement, that was fun to break, i wonder if he was ever trained in any way. yelling noo, putting his poop and him outside. (NOT shoving his nose in it!) and a bird cage tray up blockign his way down the stairs has solved those issues. now he whines to go outside. i CANNOT close my door to my room at all if i want to lay down or nap, and dont want the dogs to play on my waterbed. he destorys the garbage, gets into anything and everything, knocks dishes off the counters. (i dont have breakable ones) if i leave the spare room door open he poops in there, or in the living room. if i leave the door open he sleeps with me for a little while then lays on the floor in my bedroom nothing destroyed. he is protective of me, and does NOT seem to like men. he will tolerate them, (though my guy friend who im mad at of course he does well with him.) my biggest issue with him is pulling stuff off of the counter. i learned a lesson well to not leave raw meat up there or butter. (and the farts from the butter GOOD GOD!) im trying the pick it up from the floor and yelling nooooo. but he has done it twice so far. now with izzy that i know 100% is a sheltie, nothing like that EVER. but i did raise her from 4.5 weeks and never abused her or did anything bad. charley is very over attached to me where izzy can handle not being at my feet every second of every day. she has put charley in his place too when he tries to take a toy away from her, even though she will let him. izzy seems much calmer than charley and much more layed back. though she loves running with him, its seems that its his life goal to run run run, and now he doesnt run down the street or alley! so this is all from my experience.

    my vet said charley is a collie, but without the actual heritage who knows. but i swore i would never own another collie again after what i had gone through. than i got charley and was like he is huge, how can a sheltie be this big with such a long snout? he is triple izzys size. but i love his deep low bark, you would think i had a rotweiler or something with his bark. all charley wants is to be loved. im so glad i have another dog, he would really be something else if i didnt have her. i do plan on keeping him. we have come so far in just a month. its hard though because i really dont want to work 8 hours which i work at home, go to the store come home and have to clean up garbage all over the place. i dont like crating because i dont want him to feel like he is in jail. ok now that i wrote a book!

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