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Undercoat Rake

Discussion in 'Grooming' started by take4roll10, Oct 5, 2011.

  1. insideout

    insideout Forums Enthusiast

    Aug 26, 2011
    I use an undercoat rake for the majority of Greyson's grooming, it's definitely a necessity for us! I also have a furminator but the undercoat rake is better, I think the furminator may break his hair.
  2. Ann

    Ann Moderator

    Feb 25, 2008
    I've always used a shedding rake on my Shelties. I wouldn't be without one. Furminators are not great for Sheltie coats because they break the hair, but you can build another dog with what you'll take out safely with a shedding rake. It only removes the loose undercoat.

    I don't use it regularly, but the second they start shedding out it comes and I use it till they're done. For normal, non-shed times I use a pin brush and a slicker with a greyhound comb for line brushing.
  3. nbrard

    nbrard Forums Enthusiast

    My under coat rake has a single row of teeth, is there much difference in the effectiveness of the brushing if there are 2 rows of teeth? I was given a V-shaped rake that has 2 rows of teeth but I haven't tried it yet, any feedback on how good they are?
  4. BarbV

    BarbV Forums Celebrity

    I haven't used my Furminator in a long while. But I do use my rake religiously.

    I don't start with the rake though. I usually give a quick line brush first just to remove obvious tangles.

    From then on I use a bunch of tools interchangeably. Scissors, rake, 35 mm pin brush, slicker, etc. I move back and forth between tools depending on what "challenge" I'm facing.

    Butt and Shoulders....Indy always seems to clump up here. So he gets a line brush, then a "try" with the rake or slicker. I also finish though with the rake and then a final line brush.

    Ears and head....slicker and scissors and slicker and then final pin brush.

    Sides and belly...mostly just my 35 mm brush.
  5. Ann

    Ann Moderator

    Feb 25, 2008
    My shedding rakes all have single rows of teeth too. I've never used one with a double row.
  6. Chris

    Chris Premium Member

    Feb 25, 2008
    I do much the same, Barb. The pin brush gets out the surface stuff and big tangles. Then I rake like a maniac -- amazing what comes out! :eek2:
  7. LumShadow

    LumShadow Forums Regular

    May 12, 2011
    Salida, Colorado
  8. LumShadow

    LumShadow Forums Regular

    May 12, 2011
    Salida, Colorado
    What's a "line" brush? Help!
  9. BarbV

    BarbV Forums Celebrity

    Line brushing is a technique used to groom long haired and undercoated dogs, like Shelties.

    Rather than just "sweep" a brush over the top of the fur, line brushing gets right to the skin and pulls out dead hair from the undercoat.

    Essentially, it means that you start at the top of the back and working in rows, you pin brush or slicker the fur upwards, holding the hair under the brush down with the other hand.

    The Illustrated Guide to Sheltie Grooming by Barb Ross (which I highly recommend) is very particular about the technique but I find I adapt it to each dog and each dog's particular challenges of the moment. It takes time and practice to figure out what works for your dog and you.

    Sometimes while I'm stripping out the dead hair, I go down instead of up, but I always finish the grooming sessions with a final upwards brush.
  10. Mikos_Mom

    Mikos_Mom Forums Enthusiast

    Oct 7, 2010
    Vancouver, BC
    I'm glad I found this thread today. I went out yesterday especially looking for Furminator, but came home empty-handed because I couldn't find one. As it turns out... I think a regular undercoat rake sounds like a better way to go.

    I love this board!!! (so helpful!!) :biggrin2:

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