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Discussion in 'Behavior' started by Cleo2014, Aug 26, 2015.

  1. Cleo2014

    Cleo2014 Forums Enthusiast

    Jun 23, 2015
    Terre Haute, Indiana
    Since Cleo had her attack, I have noticed that on walks she will be fine at first, but then something will set her off and she will become tense and be pulling on the leash and looking over her shoulder from time to time. Also things will scare her that didn't before. We have two construction barrels in front of someone’s house because they put a new water line in and Cleo is terrified to be near them. Trash cans bother her, the mail truck and even big cars scare her now. She use to want to chase them...

    Could this all be related to the attack she had or is this another behavior issue that I need to work at correcting? I just feel horrible about it all and I want to continue our walks but I don’t want her stressed every time I take her on one. Any advice?
  2. ghggp

    ghggp Moderator

    Aug 28, 2011
    Grosse Pointe, Michigan
    I would take it slow...

    I know during my obedience training I had issues with Laddie being scared of objects like trash cans and any large objects he had not seen before.

    Two or three times a day I would walk by objects that I knew he was worried about. At first, keeping distance and gradually moving closer. Over time he became less stressed and he now knows there is nothing to worry about. My instructor explained that I was helping to 'proof' Laddie and making him stronger when I would go to obedience competitions.

    It will take time and patience... But, keeping moving forward showing her you are confident ... that will help her. Slow and steady...
  3. Silaria

    Silaria Forums Sage

    Sep 19, 2008
    Aspinwall, PA
    Cleo is only a few days older than my Keiran (12/3/14) and I've notice lately that he'll bark and react to strange things - a chew toy poking out from under his bed, a gas meter, a downed tree branch in the yard, fire hydrants, etc. Honestly, some of this is normal. Puppies go through a second fear stage and react to things that didn't bother them before. Unfortunately for you, this is coinciding with an attack at the dog park.

    What I've been doing with Keiran is walking over to what his spooking him and touch it and interact with it myself. I allow him to approach at his own pace, rewarding each step with verbal praise (Yes, good boy). When he sniffs at it on his own, I give him a food reward and lots of praise. I don't push him but I do let him figure it out. I stay calm and interact with whatever he's nervous about as if it's an old friend.
  4. Ann

    Ann Moderator

    Feb 25, 2008
    It could be her age and it could be fear related to the attack. It could be a combination of both. I don't think you're being paranoid at all. Silaria and ghggp both have good suggestions. The most important thing you can do is not react to her fear. She'll pick up on this and think there really is something to be afraid of.

    Be as positive as you can when she exhibits hesitation or fear. Use lots of high value treats when you approach areas or items she's hesitant about, and give her lots of praise when she walks by them. Try not to tense up yourself (hard to do and easy to say, I know) because she will feel that.

    Above all, give her time, and don't rush her. She's had a traumatic experience and she won't get over it in a day, a week, or longer. But she will get over it. Be patient and encouraging. You're on the right track!
  5. trini

    trini Forums Sage

    Nov 13, 2013
    upstate NY, USA
    If you have a yard of your own, try taking items like garbage pails that she is fearful around...smear some PB on them and just leave them sitting in your yard off in a corner. Most Shelties are food oriented enough that they will eventually creep up to the fearful item to get to something tasty...and after repeated tasty rewards from that item they will no longer see it as dangerous.

    Obviously you can't do this with cars or trucks...but any item that is small enough is fair game. I often used this technique with fosters who came into rescue terrified of items...often of anything with a stick handle like rakes, brooms, etc...and it does work. Never force the interaction between your dog and the feared item...the interaction has to be done on the dog's "schedule".

    Stay calm when she shows fear...and don't try to verbally comfort her (which is our natural human reaction when we see a dog we love upset by something). When we try to sooth/reassure a frightened dog it translates in their minds to our agreeing that they really do have something to fear and we are protecting them from that something. Ignoring the fear and staying normally upbeat will send the signal that you don't see anything to fear and all is OK.

  6. Cara Sandler

    Cara Sandler Forums Enthusiast

    Jul 11, 2015
    I've also found that a tiny, tiny dab of Cheese Whiz (YUCK - but Spirit LOVES it!!!!!) will motivate Spirit to do just about anything, including the teeter, which she is a little bit apprehensive about.
  7. Cleo2014

    Cleo2014 Forums Enthusiast

    Jun 23, 2015
    Terre Haute, Indiana
    My walk with her last night went better than the one at lunch. She made it 75% the way around our normal walk before she started pulling on the lead to get home. Tonight we have beginner obedience class so hopefully that goes well. I may carry her into the building or get there early so I can talk to the instructor before anyone else shows up.

    On another note... we worked off lead in the front yard (no fence) yesterday and she did very well. Here are some picutres. :smile2:






    Last edited: Aug 27, 2015
  8. Cleo2014

    Cleo2014 Forums Enthusiast

    Jun 23, 2015
    Terre Haute, Indiana

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