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Canine milk thistle?

Discussion in 'Treats & Supplements' started by bkzoo, Jun 25, 2014.

  1. bkzoo

    bkzoo Forums Enthusiast

    Feb 25, 2014
    Does anyone give this as a supplement?

    When Trace was diagnosed in January with either liver disease or liver cancer I was desperately searching for anything I could find to help him, and found canine milk thistle. The reviews were so amazing. It was pricey & I paid extra for fast shipping. Unfortunately it arrived 2 days after Trace crossed the bridge. I probably could have returned it, but ended up packing it away along with the unused meds & prescription dog food from the vet. Just wanted that stuff out of my sight.

    If I remember right, in addition to seeming to help livers heal, there were some people that gave a small amount to their dogs as a supplement, to keep a healthy liver just that...healthy.

    I'll have to do a little more research on the subject, but if this could possibly help the new pup avoid liver issues down the road I'm all for it!
  2. Ann

    Ann Moderator

    Feb 25, 2008
    I've always used milk thistle whenever my dogs are on an antibiotic. Most holistic vets swear by it and recommend it to help avoid liver or kidney problems. It was recommended to me when my first Sheltie had liver issues and it did help her along with diet, so I'm a believer.

    Lacey is on doxycyclene at the moment for Lyme disease (a yearly occurrence with at least one dog here in Lyme-y Connecticut) and I keep milk thistle to put them on as soon as they start an antibiotic. I did give it to Pixie for years who had colitis along with her seizure problems but stopped giving it to her routinely once that ended. Now I just use it when they're sick or taking meds. It's great stuff and I wouldn't be without it.
  3. BarbV

    BarbV Forums Celebrity

    Bacca was on milk thistle for several years. It really helped with his liver symptoms, until such time as his disease had taken over and nothing would work.

    I would certainly recommend it but would remind this will not prevent disease, just help manage symptoms. I don't think it would hurt either, but why use it if dog doesn't need it?
  4. Chris

    Chris Premium Member

    Feb 25, 2008
    We get Bitsy's milk thistle at Rite Aid. We switched to milk thistle to see if it would work better than the unbelievably expensive Canine Hepatic Support. Wow -- it did!!!!!
  5. bkzoo

    bkzoo Forums Enthusiast

    Feb 25, 2014
    I believe I will also use it only when my little Baker is in need of a little "help". I personally take milk thistle daily to "support healthy liver function"...but since I won't let Baker drink alcohol before he turns 21...we're good. :)

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