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California Members...any info on shelties rescued from fire in Riverside??

Discussion in 'Rescue Chat' started by dmeyer123, Jul 20, 2014.

  1. Judyg

    Judyg Premium Member

    Oct 20, 2013
    Riverside, Ca.
    This is very disturbing news. Thank you Dawn for following up on this and I hope you have some success when you contact the animal control.
  2. dmeyer123

    dmeyer123 Forums Enthusiast

    Jul 18, 2011
    Eastvale, CA
    Evidently the shelter's story is that they cannot i.d. Elizabeth's dog. I asked my rescue contacts for info, but haven't heard back.
  3. JLSOhio51

    JLSOhio51 Forums Enthusiast

    Mar 16, 2013
    One would hope that this is true, but my gut says it isn't. The breeder seems pretty emphatic that she CAN definitively i.d. her dog. This is not the first case I have heard where shelters or rescues are ACCUSED of hijacking a dog. My GUESS is that i.d. isn't the issue in most cases. My guess is that it is back to the supposed "passion for the dog" claim. I hope this is resolved well.
  4. Ann

    Ann Moderator

    Feb 25, 2008
    Sadly, you're right. This is not an isolated case, and this is not the only breeder unable to reclaim her dog even with absolute proof of ownership. There are other cases around the country (one notable one in Ohio) where the owner has been trying to get her dog back since the petsitter accidentally let it out while she was at the Sheltie National in April and the rescue refuses to return it.
  5. Watson's Mom

    Watson's Mom Forums Enthusiast

    Mar 24, 2012
    I am having a difficult time understanding why, if ownership can be proven, a rescue or shelter won't return a dog to it's rightful owner. It would seem that at the very least, they would want to be able to open up a spot for the next dog to come in.

    All this is doing is putting an even worse taste in my mouth than I already had regarding rescues and ultimately it is the dogs that will suffer if that happens to too many people.
  6. trini

    trini Forums Sage

    Nov 13, 2013
    upstate NY, USA
    This is so wrong and I sincerely hope that any such situation can be resolved legally in such a way that the shelters or rescue groups who participate in such behavior (for whatever their reason) understand that the consequences will not be in their favor and will cost them dearly both in reputation and in public donation financial support. No one has the right to keep a person's pet against that person's will unless a court has found the pet owner to be unsuitable and ordered that the pet removed from their care.

  7. dmeyer123

    dmeyer123 Forums Enthusiast

    Jul 18, 2011
    Eastvale, CA
    I'm with you on this. I can't understand the motivation here....must be money.

    I heard from the rescue last night and they say they have no knowledge of this situation...the shelter doesn't share this kind of info with them.

    I've been in touch with Elizabeth and we'll see what we can do.
  8. dmeyer123

    dmeyer123 Forums Enthusiast

    Jul 18, 2011
    Eastvale, CA
    Update on the 2 seniors taken in by the rescue:

    Here are the most recent photos of our little boys! Judi took these in the vets office, on the second day after they got here. As you can see, they look a LOT better after they were groomed by the wonderful volunteers at the shelter. They now have their new names, too! Thank you, Connie Coleman!
    Wyatt is the bi-blue, smaller boy. He is the older of the two, although we don't know exactly how old he is. Walden is the blue merle, and he is slightly larger, and probably a few years younger. We will have a chance to evaluate their ages a little better when they get out of the hospital. Both are holding their own right now, so all is good! How ADORABLE are they? ~ Kathleen

    Southland Sheltie Rescue's photo.

    Attached Files:

  9. PatC

    PatC Forums Enthusiast

    Jul 27, 2012
    They are so lovely!
  10. danisgoat

    danisgoat Moderator

    Jul 23, 2009
    I wonder if the shelter is afraid of the dog getting back into the hands of the person who originally mistreated it or in another similar situation.

    If the dog was at one time in this person's care and this is how the dog ended up, this is who the breeder trusted to care for this dog, I would push back on giving the dog back to that breeder as well.

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