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a noise demon has possessed Honey!

Discussion in 'Behavior' started by JacqueZ, Jun 5, 2014.

  1. JacqueZ

    JacqueZ Forums Enthusiast

    Oct 4, 2012
    Akron, Ohio
    Oh my god, honey isn't necessarily a quiet dog, but she's also not obnoxious about it.


    Today she's been barking nonstop! Everything is setting her off. Its not even like she hasn't had plenty of playing, my nieces were over and we played a bunch of soccer, played in the sprinkler, and ran around the yard, she should be exhausted.

    Its been like this since she woke up. I wonder what's gotten into her...

    I'm almost ready to get out her crate and confine her for a nap. Something we stopped using two years ago. Dear dear.
  2. Margi

    Margi Premium Member

    Nov 2, 2012
    Corona, AZ
    She isn't indicating what she's barking at? Just barking? Any weird noises outside in the neighborhood?
  3. JacqueZ

    JacqueZ Forums Enthusiast

    Oct 4, 2012
    Akron, Ohio
    No, no indication of what she was barking at. No odd noises, no increase in people walking in front of our house...it wasn't even garbage day, or a heavy day of UPS deliveries.

    I would say maybe having visitors got to her, or the fact that I had the front door open while waiting for them to arrive but she started it before any of that.

    Because it's been all day I can't attribute it to over excitement, or to her being tired out either.

    She's calmed down since my husband came home...but again, nothing odd about his schedule today. It was just weird.

    I'm thinking of bringing her cage up for tomorrow though, if any of this is holding over she's going to throw a fit when we get the fencing material delivered in the afternoon. (And none to soon, got up from the couch today and saw the kitties had opened the door. Ran around checking for Honey, she wasn't in the house, went outside called her, no response, called again...waited...nothing, started panicking, called once more...and out she runs from the neighbors house, cat food can in her mouth looking all to pleased with herself!)
  4. Margi

    Margi Premium Member

    Nov 2, 2012
    Corona, AZ
    Oh geez! You dodged a bullet there! Didn't realize you didn't have fenced yard. It's going to be a god-send, sounds like:yes:

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