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Wanted: VET, Red bank, New Jersey

Discussion in 'Diseases & Illnesses' started by Lynnel, Apr 9, 2012.

  1. Lynnel

    Lynnel Forums Enthusiast

    Nov 21, 2011
    Oceanport, NJ
    Things went great with the specialist, for now we wait and see if he has fixed my puppy. He really impressed my hisband and i. He shares our concern for Max pancreas and gall bladder. Which will be addressed as soon as max is better. He does have an infection which is common with low thyroid. Yes this could all stem from low thyroid!!!! They thing that i leftone vet for and talking with the new vet about! I will be so relieved if this is the main problem and so angry that my boy has suffered so long uneccesaily! But time will tell. But he has experience with shelties and said for a sheltie Max is still very low!!! Someone finally is listening, but lts wait and see.
    Again thank you all for your support, I don't know what I would have done without you. You really do five me the strength to carry out my convictions.

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