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Rectal Carcinoma?

Discussion in 'Diseases & Illnesses' started by Ali11, Aug 25, 2014.

  1. Ali11

    Ali11 Forums Novice

    Aug 25, 2014
    Hi Everyone,
    I am just wondering if anyone has experience with rectal adenocarcinoma? My 9 year old boy was just recently diagnosed. He had months of straining with his BMs and the vet could never figure it out and we thought it was colitis, so I was trying to treat him for that at home. As he didn't improve, after more trips to the vet, his tumor was finally large enough for the vet to feel. He had a rectal tumor that originally came back benign but when they did surgery to remove it they sent the whole specimen out for biopsy and unfortunately it is malignant. He has three microscopic metastes in his sub lumbar lymph nodes that we will check again in two weeks to see if they are growing, then we will take it from there. I am beside myself.:(:(:( I have put him on an organic diet, am feeding him Dr Harvey's food, and supplementing with chia seed oil, flax oil and cottage cheese(the Budwig diet), IP6, garlic, and Aveultra. I know that probably makes me sound like a crazy person! The Dr prescribed Rimadyl but honestly the drug just scares me, and I have read about it and there doesn't seem to be much evidence of any kind of benefit to canine cancer patients. Plus, 6 years ago I almost lost Petie to IMHA, so I have been very hesitant to ever give him any kind of meds since then. Overall, he is acting like his normal self, doesn't seem sick at all. Does anyone have any experience with this type of cancer? Any advice at all would be so greatly appreciated..
    Thank you all
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2014
  2. Bradt9881

    Bradt9881 Forums Enthusiast

    Jan 15, 2014
    Fayetteville, NC
    Rimadyl is a cox2 inhibitor that can be used for postoperative pain.
  3. Mignarda

    Mignarda Forums Enthusiast

    Jan 17, 2013
    Dover, Delaware
    Assuming there's nothing medically that can be done for him, or that you're willing to put him through, I would simply give him the sanatorium treatment, that is, rest, no stress, and a very digestible high-protein diet with a vitamin supplement.
  4. Caro

    Caro Moderator

    Jan 14, 2009
    I'm really sorry for you. It must be devastating to go through.

    With the Rimadyl. I have a dog who is on long term NSAIDs, he suffered hemorrhagic gastro in the past so I'm careful about what I give him. He was switched to Previcox by the specialist as it's meant to be kinder to the stomach. In addition he has Carafate (sucralfate) half an hour before the Previcox. Carafate lines the stomach with a gel like substance so provides protection. It seems to be working well. Your other option is to switch to solely using a pain killer like tramadol. I've found that the pain killers have a much shorter pain relief span than the NSAIDs
  5. Ali11

    Ali11 Forums Novice

    Aug 25, 2014
    Thank you so much everyone for all the advice. I am going to call the vet and ask about switching to a different NSAID. The whole idea of Rimadyl just doesn't sit right with me. I'm going to mention the Previcox and also the Carafate. I am giving him digestive enzymes with his food, but Carafate seems like it night be the way to go, as he does have mild colitis as well.
  6. trini

    trini Forums Sage

    Nov 13, 2013
    upstate NY, USA
    Ali, I am so very sorry to read about your little boy's dx of rectal cancer. I have a close friend whose sheltie boy had the same cancer. He did well for a significant period of time before he was in too much pain to go on. You have gotten good suggestions for comfort for your boy and keeping his life as normal and upbeat as possible will still give you some good quality time together.

    My heart goes out to you...cancer is such a devastating dx to get for one of our beloved little souls. The one big plus is that he doesn't know the prognosis and as long as his days can be filled with as much happiness as possible he won't realize what lies in the future. It is left to us to cope with the sadness.

  7. Sullivan

    Sullivan Forums Enthusiast

    May 29, 2013
    Hi Ali, welcome to SN. I am so sorry to hear of your sweet furbabys dx. It is so devastating to everyone involved but I agree with Trini's beautiful words. Your baby doesn't understand and just goes on living his daily life. My Angel, Bambi also had cancer, just a different kind but no doubt just as painful. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers and I will pray that your vet finds a solution to keep your boy as comfortable as possible. Please keep us posted. :fl :hugs
  8. Justicemom

    Justicemom Forums Celebrity

    Oct 2, 2009
    I am so sorry for to hear about your boy.

    Justice's litter brother died of Rectal adenocarcinoma. Like the above mentioned dog he did well for some period of time but then the size of the mass and the discomfort started taking it toll. The mass bled on occasion for time to time. Pain management was the key for end of life quality. Most of the time he was happy right to the end.
  9. Chris

    Chris Premium Member

    Feb 25, 2008
    Dear St. Francis,
    Look with kindness on Petie and his family. He's facing a wicked diagnosis and needs special attention from all who guide and guard from above. Please ask the Good Shepherd to look with healing grace upon Petie that he may feel well and happy for all the days of his life.

    In His name we ask,
  10. Ali11

    Ali11 Forums Novice

    Aug 25, 2014
    Thank you all of you for your beautiful and kind words, it is so comforting to know there are others who know how I'm feeling. Those that are close to me know how I feel about my dogs, but I know most don't "fully" understand. Growing up we always had dogs, collies and a fantastic mixed breed. It of course ripped my heart out to lose every single one of them. When I got older and my husband and I got our first house I got my shelties, first Shanie, then a year later I got Petie(Then Rudy, my mixed shelter boy came after). They were "my" first dogs. Petie came into my life right after I lost my mom and has been at my side every second since. He was his litter's runt and definitely has had his share of health issues. I feel like we kind of needed each other, found each other, and he's been by my side 9 years, three houses and three kids later:). I just look at him and think what am I going to do without him.
    And I am so sorry to all of you who have gone through a cancer diagnosis with your fur kids as well(Bambi and Justice's baby brother). My heart truly goes out to you. Thank you for allowing me to vent. For now, we have our follow up ultrasound next week to check if the three tiny nodes have grown or spread, or if the mass has grown back at all. I will be sure to keep you all posted. Thank you again!:hugs

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