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dog life jackets

Discussion in 'General Dog Chat' started by Junebug, Jun 28, 2014.

  1. Chris

    Chris Premium Member

    Feb 25, 2008
    Outward Hound. Danged auto-correct! :mad:
  2. cookieP

    cookieP Forums Regular

    Jan 28, 2014
    Spartanburg, SC
    Cookie is 22 lbs. For a 15 lb sheltie, I might still go medium, just because the shelties are longish and if you get a small I have a feeling it won't cover enough of the dog. Most people in the review recommend going a size larger than what you would think. Cookie's still has room on it to tighten if I needed to. But you can always return it and get the small if necessary :)

    He didn't like swimming as much before this jacket. He would get in about chest deep and swim a little if I through the frisbee but I don't think he really liked the sensation of struggling in the water and trying to keep his head above water. Now he goes in all the way and swims for a long timeā€¦it's totally changed his attitude towards water.
  3. BarbV

    BarbV Forums Celebrity

    I've tormented myself for years over life vests for my dogs.

    For the record, neither Indy or Bacca would ever INTENTIALLY go swimming. Though sometimes accidents would happen and one of the fool dogs would fall off the dock and need rescue.

    Fact is, we tested both of them and both could swim....at least long enough to get to shore. But were they up for endurance!? Shelties are not built to swim long periods. No. But the life vests are not comfortable, either.

    My opinion is that if your dog is inclined to swim, then get a vest. If your dog is not inclined to jump in, then you don't need it. Just keep an eye on him for accidents.....like stupid Indy running off the dock chasing a sea-doo! :rolleyes2:
  4. Chris

    Chris Premium Member

    Feb 25, 2008
    HAHAHA!! I remember that!!! :lol: Do you remember Layla skylarking on the prow of the kayak and falling in the Pokomoke River twice?

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  5. BarbV

    BarbV Forums Celebrity

    Yep! Too funny!

    I still have to hold Indy back whoever sea doos go by. He is just gets super excited and forgets to stop at the end if dock. Stupid pup!

    Callan will get his first swimming lesson a week of from now.

    I've always considered life vests but never went for it.

    In like the RC vests. Not too heavy and flexible

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