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chip is sick

Discussion in 'Sheltie Chat' started by ferg, Jul 7, 2014.

  1. Margi

    Margi Premium Member

    Nov 2, 2012
    Corona, AZ
    So sorry to hear his Honor ingested rope! Since he passed it, I am praying that's the end of it and he will be back to his "chipper" self in no time!
  2. trini

    trini Forums Sage

    Nov 13, 2013
    upstate NY, USA
    Although clothes line is definitely not a recommended food...it is far better than had Chip eaten any of the Yew. So glad he is on the mend!!! Big relief!

  3. ferg

    ferg Premium Member

    Feb 10, 2014

    Received call from Vet. No "rope" is remaining in his intestines. They have given him fluids and meds for settling his stomach. We are to pick him up about 2:30 EST.

    Chip as well as most every other puppy, chews and eats everything. We have finally bought bathroom trash cans with pop-up lids so he can't get into them. He is still not feeling well but we are certainly relieved that he didn't get any Taxus. Friends of ours has pasture land next to residential. Beef cows in pasture. A residential neighbor threw his Taxus clippings over the fence into the pasture. One cow ate from it and died within an hour. I used to build homes which we often landscaped with Taxus plantings. The berries are said to be poison to children, greenery is immediate death to animals.

    Vet told us when a puppy or grown dog for that matter, swallows something they cannot digest, it can damage the lining of their intestines eventually causing death. Also: The intestines continue to attempt to expel the foreign matter thus preventing any food or water from entering their stomach.

    Stagnent water in a puddle, pond, or anywhere in your yard contains parasites that can cause grave illness and possible death for your pet.

    I cannot express our feelings we have for this little boy in words. Those of you owning a special pet know what I am talking of.

    Thanks to this community for your prayers and good thoughts, it is/was much appreciated.
  4. MissyGallant

    MissyGallant Forums Enthusiast

    Dec 20, 2011
    I am glad his Honor the Chip seems to be doing better. Yes, puppies tend to eat whatever. And whatever isn't always good for them. I am glad he didn't get any taxus. Not sure what that is, but it sounds bad. Very bad.

    A word of warning though- we bought lidded trashcans two years ago. We bought the kind you step on the thingy and the lid pops up. Last night, Annabelle figured out how to get the lid up. Now that she knows, it won't take long for her daughters to learn it too.
  5. ferg

    ferg Premium Member

    Feb 10, 2014
    CHIP and the lidded cans

    Right now Chip is feeling a little out of it so I don't think he will be bothering the cans for a day or two. They can figure out pretty much the same things Human Babies do when they go from Crawl to Toddler.

    He definitely looks better since we brought him home.

    Vet wants no water or food for at least twelve hours. We have a solution to put into his mouth twice a day to coat his throat and the other tubes. Small amount of food such as cooked chicken or some special canned dog food we got from them. Another tablet for once per day to guard against parasites etc.

    Do I need to say where we put the pieces of clothesline rope he has been playing with for at least two weeks?
  6. Sullivan

    Sullivan Forums Enthusiast

    May 29, 2013
    I am so sorry to hear of His Honor's ordeal, how scary for all of you. And now I am glad to hear it wasn't as lethal as first thought and that Chip is on the mend. We know as human as well as pet parents, there is nothing harder to watch than our baby's being sick or hurt, and we also know that no matter how hard we try, there is no way we can protect them from everything out there in this big bad world. As always, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Please keep us posted on Chips recovery progress. :hugs
  7. Mom2Melli

    Mom2Melli Forums Enthusiast

    Oct 2, 2013
    Central California
    I am so sorry to hear of the ordeal but glad things came out okay (pun semi intended).

    I had an "eater" Aussie. The things that dog consumed -- even a Bible!

    Glad little Chip is gonna be okay. Such a special little one. Lots of love from Melli, Cubby, & Shay!
  8. Judyg

    Judyg Premium Member

    Oct 20, 2013
    Riverside, Ca.
    I am so sorry that Chip went through all of this. I hope he is feeling much better soon
  9. Ann

    Ann Moderator

    Feb 25, 2008
    Wow, what an ordeal for poor Chip (and you)! I'm glad it wasn't more serious and he'll be back to normal in a few days. I'm always amazed at the stuff puppies will get into, even when you have a houseful of chew toys and other puppy things!
  10. bkzoo

    bkzoo Forums Enthusiast

    Feb 25, 2014
    So true - we took little Baker for his first vet exam yesterday. Vet decided the Baker must want to be a vegetarian based on all the plant particles found in his poo! Lucky for us they were all consumed in the privacy of our back yard - nothing toxic. We try to discourage eating the plant life, but...

    So happy Chip is going to be ok!!!! :biggrin2:

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