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Registered name question

Discussion in 'Pedigrees' started by Mom2Melli, Jul 9, 2014.

  1. Emmasmom

    Emmasmom Forums Sage

    Apr 2, 2010
    Here in Canada we use the kennel name and then the name we choose. There is a limited on the length of the name I believe. Names can be changed after registration (I had to get the kennel club involved with Noah because the breeder didn't register him under the name I gave her and it took a year to do so).
  2. Bradt9881

    Bradt9881 Forums Enthusiast

    Jan 15, 2014
    Fayetteville, NC
    By contract the kennel name for Fletcher was first, followed by whatever I decided to name him.
  3. melbell

    melbell Forums Enthusiast

    Feb 4, 2013
    Erie, Pennyslvania
    Interesting! Thanks for the information, Ann
  4. Matsuki

    Matsuki Forums Enthusiast

    Aug 2, 2015
    Tokyo, Japan
    Rather than start a new thread, I thought I'd ask here...

    First off, I'm assuming it's this way everywhere....but why is it that we can't deal directly with the KC for registration and whatnot? They direct you to some "local club" that does nothing but take your money and paperwork...and pass it on to the KC for a fee. No events, nothing even remotely resembling what I'd consider a "club" and zero value added for being a middleman?

    Sansa was registered with the JKC (Japan Kennel Club) as "Coconuts of Effort is Endless JP" and I paid several extra fees to get her named changed to "Sansa" as well as marking up the previous pedigree to show their typo "EFFOTT IS ENDLESS JP" being used and later "EFFORT IS ENDLESS JP." So weeks later the new pedigree shows up in the mail and my name is now listed as the owner but the "Dog name" portion still says: "Coconuts of Effort is Endless JP" only now with "CALL NAME: SANSA" written below it....and the typo is still there. I'm going to call the "Club" next week and see what they have to say about it but is there any reason why they would refuse to change here registered name? (she has no awards and is still only 9mos old)
  5. Caro

    Caro Moderator

    Jan 14, 2009
    The Japanese system may be based on the British (and I think also European) system where you cannot change the name of the dog yourself. Only the breeder can register a dog and so must include the kennel name and a unique name (and breeders will often use a theme for the litter). My Tully's registered name is Tooneybank Small Talk. She came from Tooneybank kennel and her litter all had 'talking' names (like her sire).

    I think it's a good system. It does mean dogs from backyard breeders or puppy farms can't be registered under the pedigree registers (there are separate registers for non-pedigree) so pedigree actually means something. And when I hear another dog's registered name I know what kennel they come from.
  6. Calliesmom

    Calliesmom Moderator

    Mar 29, 2008
    near Mobile, AL
    I don't know about Japan- but I had registered Jocu (Lochlyn Dreamin Bi the Sea) and there was a typo in the certificate that AKC sent me. I contacted them and since it was not identical to the form that was sent in, it was changed for no fee.
  7. Greenepony

    Greenepony Forums Enthusiast

    Jul 2, 2012
    I actually haven't heard of another registry that has regulations. While individual horse breeds may have rules (ex. first letter is determined by sire's line or the year born) but most of the federations (USEF, FEI, etc) are pretty free- FEI now charges 1000 USD to change a horse's name on their passport however.
  8. Matsuki

    Matsuki Forums Enthusiast

    Aug 2, 2015
    Tokyo, Japan
    I thought that might be the case but there are ancestors (in Japan) that are not listed in that way and it also begs the question, what exactly did I pay for...registering her call name? In that system, if I become a registered breeder, the litter would be under my kennel name and whatever names I gave them?

    Good to know, hopefully they can correct it. It's weird because many of the animals have things written in Japanese and English...but there are many common errors on the English side, which, is apparently the official name.
  9. Caro

    Caro Moderator

    Jan 14, 2009
    What you paid for is to become the registered owner on her pedigree papers and a member of the kennel club. To be registered as a breeder you have to pay extra and register a kennel name. But yes as a breeder the dogs you breed will always have your kennel name in the dog's name and whatever names you gave them, even when the registered owner's name has changed or the dog's call name has changed.

    New owners often don't ever change the pedigree papers into their names. If you want to compete in anything though (agility, obedience, confirmation) you need to have the papers in your name.
  10. Matsuki

    Matsuki Forums Enthusiast

    Aug 2, 2015
    Tokyo, Japan
    It's as you said, the name the breeder registers cannot be changed. She is Coconuts. I understood that I was paying to change the registered owner and become a member of the kennel club...but there was yet an additional fee for name change, apparently for the call name. (though it didn't specify)

    The local "club" is claiming the typo is not an error because that is the breeder's registered name....despite it being spelled correctly elsewhere. Guess I'll shoot a fax (Yeah, fax...Japan) to the JKC directly and see if I can get them to correct it.

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