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Groomer in Rochester NY

Discussion in 'Grooming' started by Cliff, Apr 12, 2012.

  1. Cliff

    Cliff Forums Regular

    Nov 7, 2011
    Rochester, NY
    an update to my post from last November

    We finally got out to DTails Pet Grooming (80 East Main Street, Webster NY) and found Debbie to be very nice. She had fun with the dogs and they did not seem as stressed when I picked them up from her as they do when I got them from our previous groomer. There cut looks a little like one you might see on a dog that is ready to have babies, there under belly fur, bib and haunches are a much shorter than we are use to. We like Debbie a lot and will be returning next time Tupper and Miki need a trim but with give her more explicit instructions. I will post pictures soon.

  2. BarbV

    BarbV Forums Celebrity

    Do you have before and after shots?

    While the dogs might be comfortable with her, I'm not sure that you are getting the best grooming for Shelties from her.

    In my experience, alot of groomers tend to go a little crazy with the razors and end up razing off the precious guard hair that makes up the bulk of the Sheltie coat. It sounds like your groomer might have done the same.

    As you said, you have to learn to be very specific with groomers with respect to Shelties. It seems they learned alot about clipping but not so much about scissoring in grooming school.
  3. Gina

    Gina Forums Enthusiast

    Apr 24, 2010
    Remember, groomers are not required to go to school, let alone have a license to groom. And I guess it depends on what school you went to. I learned a lot about scissoring in my grooming school, but then again one of my instructors is ranked #1 in NDGAA. And all of my instructors show dogs lol. We never did get any Shelties, though. I think for most groomers they have a certain pattern and one thing is to shave the belly hair (part of your sanitary areas). I guess if you've never learned the proper way for certain breeds, you just do what you think is right. And usually groomers make the dog "clean and maintenance free".

    I think having a groomer that makes your dogs happy is a very big plus! But like you already said, I would give her more instructions next time so you're getting the best for you and your dogs :)
  4. Chris

    Chris Premium Member

    Feb 25, 2008
    I learned that you have to build a relationship with a groomer. It may not be a perfect cut the first time, but if your groomer is willing to discuss what you want and work with you, it's far better than groomer-hopping, hoping for a perfect cut the first time.
  5. karol

    karol Forums Regular

    Jun 26, 2010
    Rochester NY
    I'm glad you found someone your dogs are comfortable with. Yes, I agree; whenever you take your dog no matter what breed; you need to give specific directions on what you want done. It isn't any different than if you are going to get your own hair done.

    I usually tell them "no extra trimming". All that I need is the poop shoot and the feet done. Do Not Touch the underbelly, tail or ears. I find that these areas only need occasional upkeep and I can do that on my own using book "The Illustrated Guide to Sheltie Grooming" or the video from Silver Tail Shelties Grooming CD. I'm a firm believer that lots of scissoring is not necessary (the less the better) I think groomers are so used to doing short cuts to accommodate the owner, who is looking for ease of care, that they forget that some of us like the breed to look like they should naturally look.


    Also, if you have found a groomer that fits you and your dogs; then it is worth while to work together with the groomer. I have found a good groomer wants you to be happy and they are more than willing to take direction from you. If they are not willing to work with you...then of course look elsewhere.

    Have a great summer
    ~Karol & Sadie

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