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Sheltie Reggae- Greetings from Poland! :)

Discussion in 'Say Hello!' started by Monika&Reggae, Aug 26, 2014.

  1. alonsoe

    alonsoe Forums Enthusiast

    Jun 20, 2014
    Hello from Spain

    Hello Monica, you have an amazing boy!! Beautiful, he looks like my sable male (5 months old). Thanks for sharing the pictures!
  2. Ann

    Ann Moderator

    Feb 25, 2008
    Welcome, Monika! We're happy to have you and Reggae with us. Your English is great, and Reggae is very handsome! It's wonderful seeing pictures of Shelties from all over the world. We have people from so many countries in this group. We look forward to hearing more about you and your pup!
  3. ghggp

    ghggp Moderator

    Aug 28, 2011
    Grosse Pointe, Michigan
    Welcome, Monika and Reggae!

    LOVE your video... Reggae is just wanting to do anything you ask of him with total enthusiasm! You guys would be great in agility!

    Thanks for sharing your wonderful images of Reggae! He is one beautiful boy.

    Sheltie lovers are THE BEST... :biggrin2:

    BTW: Your English is GREAT!
  4. jomuir

    jomuir Forums Enthusiast

    May 10, 2011
    Welcome! Your Sheltie is very handsome! :smile2: I love the photo of him walking on the wooden walkway, all wet from the water nearby. And the photo of him on the snow covered sofa is nice, too, well, all the pictures are nice!
  5. Monika&Reggae

    Monika&Reggae Forums Novice

    Aug 26, 2014
    Thank you so much for the warm welcome :biggrin2: I'm adding new pictures on our site every other day, so feel free to visit us again, I would love to see some feedback there as well :winkgrin: Ggomah, in October we will go back to regular training in Flyball and hopefully Agility since we enjoy both very much.
    I'm glad you like the way he looks, I'm not very objective in that subject so every opinion matters to me. Also I would love to hear what you think about him in general, what are his anathomical "pros and cons" in your opinion? I know many people see it as a bad ferature that he is pretty big (39cm), and especially next to small english type girls he looks HUGE :lol:

    I would also like to ask you all for advice. The only problem I have with Reggae is that he is a bit overreactive towards other dogs. I mean he is not agressive- although if the other dog is of the crazy bark and growl kind he does get nervous and sometimes kind of growls under his nose, but I think it's understandable, right? But even when he sees another calm dog he can't look away from it, he gets really focused and it's hard to gain his focus back and work with him in that state. We are doing much better already, I always carry treats with me and try to get his attention when he sees another dog and I can see that it helps. It's going much better when we pass a dog that is a bit farther away from us, but not when it passes right next to us. Is it because it's just to early in our training? I can't really avoid those situations completly, so I need some advice on how to get his attention quickly. Calling his name, treats and even toys don't really work at this point. Only thing I can think of is ignore him, pull him away from the situation (he always pulls after the dog, or if already passed us smells all around to catch it's sent) and reward when he focuses back on me even though it may take some time, but I'm not sure if that will work and if I'm rewarding at the right moment. What do you think?
  6. alonsoe

    alonsoe Forums Enthusiast

    Jun 20, 2014
    Hi Monika, I think he's in the correct size, the standards are 37,5 cm whith 2 cm high or low, so 39 is ok.

    He also looks beautiful, so he could be perfect for showing him in a ring, or I think so. My sheltie male looks similar to yours and I bought it as a Show quality dog, in fact he is the son of the spanish champion 2013, but I still don't kow the final size of mine because he's only 5 months old, by the moment he is 33,5 cm.

    I have a similar problem whith my male, and whith the female too, when we go for a walk they want to know all the other dogs in te park or those we cross in the path, and they bark until they get in contact whith the others, but they are not agressive at all. I'm working whith them taking their attention whith biscuits and it's working quite well, although sometimes it's difficult, it depends on the day. Some times ignoring them is also a good way to not reinforce that kind of behaviour. They know what you want them to do, so if they don't sometimes is better not pay attention to this and continue walking, they know when we are stressed, so try to be calm in that situations.

    Hope it works to you.

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