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Another neighborhood escapee dog

Discussion in 'General Dog Chat' started by celloyogi, Nov 19, 2013.

  1. celloyogi

    celloyogi Forums Enthusiast

    Mar 11, 2012
    southeast MI
    So far I've chased down one neighbor's beagle (aptly named Wiggles), another neighbor's two pugs (several times). Today I was looking out the kitchen window and saw a border collie walk across my driveway. No one around here has a BC. I grabbed the little slipleash we keep on the door and spent about twenty minutes playing keep-away with the BC in my backyard, the woods behind the house, and a few houses in either direction. The BC didn't have a collar. I tried baby-talking and got nowhere, and then said "come!" and she started trotting towards me. That worked until she saw a squirrel and it was back to start.

    When she got close enough I popped on the slipleash and we went for a walk. I figured if she belonged somewhere, she'd show me. And she did. The people four houses down have a cleaning lady, and she had parked in the driveway with her BC in the car. She rolled the windows down so far that the BC escaped. No idea how long she'd been running around the area. At least the owner was horrified.

    The owner said she had rescued the BC from a home where the ex-husband kept the wife's dog, and penned the BC in a too-small crate for nearly a year. The dog has joint problems and behavior problems because of it. She said she's taking the BC to classes in the spring so I recommended my training club. The dog was super-friendly, minds her owner completely, so fingers-crossed I'll never see her running free again.:fl

    EJHUNTL Forums Enthusiast

    Aug 11, 2013
    Ontario, Grand Bend
    Way to go with finding her owner!
  3. Calliesmom

    Calliesmom Moderator

    Mar 29, 2008
    near Mobile, AL
    great job:yes:
    hope she does the classes:fl
  4. Chris

    Chris Premium Member

    Feb 25, 2008
    You're so kind!! :hugs
  5. jomuir

    jomuir Forums Enthusiast

    May 10, 2011
    So smart, to play with the dog & then take it for a walk, you were right that it showed you where it belonged. You did more than most people would :winkgrin:
  6. celloyogi

    celloyogi Forums Enthusiast

    Mar 11, 2012
    southeast MI
    I think I did the same that most any SN person would have done. :yes: It seems like in the last few years the number of irresponsible or naive pet owners around my town has increased - five years ago I don't remember seeing any strays, and then in the last two or so years I've come across a dog every few months. I'd ask animal control to be more aware but... I haven't seen any aggressive or obviously diseased dogs so for now, I'm just careful.
  7. celloyogi

    celloyogi Forums Enthusiast

    Mar 11, 2012
    southeast MI
    Pretty sure she will. She wrote down the name of the club, the url and the phone number (it's in my cell) while we were talking. She obviously loves the dog - got her a monogrammed collar, keeps her perfectly groomed, and cuddled her the whole time we talked. I'm chalking this up to a slip-up with an owner who has jumped in the deep end of the world of BC ownership, and is still learning what BCs are capable of.
  8. Calliesmom

    Calliesmom Moderator

    Mar 29, 2008
    near Mobile, AL
    that's good:yes:

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