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You KNOW You've Seen This

Discussion in 'General Dog Chat' started by Chris, Jun 28, 2015.

  1. tesslynn

    tesslynn Forums Enthusiast

    Mar 3, 2014
    I think trying to discuss ANYTHING these days is politically incorrect and taken the wrong way, ...really just talk with your dogs, they understand, they have more intelligent responses than most humans. :pop
  2. Greenepony

    Greenepony Forums Enthusiast

    Jul 2, 2012
    It's the same for other animal forums- except for horses sub in rolkur, Parelli, and/or natural horsemanship for CM. However, the Mods are less hands on in another forum so "popcorn threads" get 50+ pages long :lol:
    (for the record I like being a little fish there and staying out those ponds)
  3. ghggp

    ghggp Moderator

    Aug 28, 2011
    Grosse Pointe, Michigan
    So true...

    Looking for an incredibly intelligent, loyal, and eager to please dog? The Sheltie definitely fits that bill. They make both excellent family pets as well as performance dogs and will certainly turn heads when you walk down the street. However, if you rage whenever you hear a dog bark, you might want to reconsider bringing home a Sheltie.

    Other breeds typically owned : More Shelties… Occasionally you may get a branch out into Border Collies or Aussies but Shelties are the potato chip herder. Usually you won’t find just one.


    -Shelties are incredibly intelligent and easily trainable and as such excel in obedience, agility, and other dog sports.

    -They are one of the easiest breeds in terms of personality. They don’t just want to please you, they need to please you with a burning passions that at times borders on the scary. They’re often the starter performance breed and generally an excellent choice for that purpose.

    -It will often seem like they’ve trained themselves mostly due to a deep personal dignity that most Shelties value. They take what you say seriously and to heart.

    -They really are pretty. While most of us are familiar with either the merles or the sables, bi-colors also occur with some regularity in performance litters. Their fluffy coats, sweet faces and striking color patterns make them a perennial favorite.

    -Personality plus. Shelties do it all with flair. They know what they want, and it’s their goal to get you to help them achieve it.

    -They want to do things with you. If you want an interactive companion, these guys are up for anything except maybe swimming.


    -The joys of a double coat. These are dogs that require regular grooming and will literally blow enough coat to create a whole new dog.

    -People will forever refer to your Sheltie as a “mini-Lassie”. Learn to deal with it.

    -Prone to anxiety (Separation and general).

    -They bark. A lot. This is not a breed who is at all retiring. They don’t just like the sound of their own voice, they love it.

    -Shelties are sensitive, probably more so than a lot of other herding breeds. They will get their feelings hurt easily and generally aren’t incredibly tolerant to mistreatment… basically subjecting them to an untrained toddler is unfair and probably won’t end well.


    -Barkbarkbarkbarkbarkbarkbarkbarkbarkbarkbark… Did we mention they bark?

    -They will try to herd everything if left to their own devices. Herding involves teeth. Hope you weren’t attached to your pants.
  4. Jean

    Jean Forums Enthusiast

    Apr 5, 2015
    PNW, Washington state
    LOVE this. Sort of like the "My Sheltie will herd your stick people" sign (with the stick people running and guarding their legs while the nonplussed Sheltie is bringing up the rear) seen on cars.

    BTW, I really had no idea of how "hard wired" herding is to Shelties. Have no idea why not. :eek:
  5. MissyGallant

    MissyGallant Forums Enthusiast

    Dec 20, 2011
    That was good. A couple of good posts on that site. But I had to stop with the "Your dog isn't perfect" post. 'Cause the Belles are Shelties and are perfect. They are my perfect, and who cares if they aren't every one else's perfect.

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