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Liam scared me Sunday

Discussion in 'Sheltie Chat' started by Emmasmom, Oct 30, 2014.

  1. Emmasmom

    Emmasmom Forums Sage

    Apr 2, 2010
    I fed the three on Sunday morning as usual, adding some what I thought were smaller chunks of pineapple which they enjoy. I went, washed my hair, came back to the kitchen, and noticed Liam in the bathroom off the kitchen. I though he was licking something off the floor, but Emma was standing too close to him and her attitude clearly shouted something was definitely wrong with Liam. I went to check - he was vomiting up foamy, slimy phlegm. Apparently, my food gulper swallowed the chunk of pineapple whole and got it stuck in his throat. He was trying so hard to get it out. I knew there was no way to get to the Emerge vet 45 minutes away. I started tapping on his abdomen just below the rib cage, in the area of a Heimlich maneuver. A few good taps and up came the pineapple. I was so relieved - this is the boy I almost lost in May 2012 to a bowel obstruction, and he is so dear to my heart.

    All I can say - be careful with the raw food and the size of it and learn to do the Heimlich maneuver on your dogs.
  2. Mom2Melli

    Mom2Melli Forums Enthusiast

    Oct 2, 2013
    Central California
    Wow. Glad Liam is OK.
  3. Judyg

    Judyg Premium Member

    Oct 20, 2013
    Riverside, Ca.
    That must have been so scary. I'm glad Liam is ok and hope you have recovered from the shock.
  4. Justicemom

    Justicemom Forums Celebrity

    Oct 2, 2009
    Glad he is ok.

    Yes learn the Heimlich. I have had, to use it 4x once on Diva, 2x on Birch for gulped food and once once on Celtics sister Clover who swallowed a large wood chip. Her mom yelled I came over and she was blue.

    I feed Birch out if a slow feeding bowl, toy or spread out om the floor now and never anything out of my sight. Damn foody shelties.
  5. bkzoo

    bkzoo Forums Enthusiast

    Feb 25, 2014
    wow - that had to be frightening! so glad it turned out ok
  6. Sullivan

    Sullivan Forums Enthusiast

    May 29, 2013
    Thank Heaven you knew what to do, I am so glad to hear Liam is doing OK. :hugs
  7. Ann

    Ann Moderator

    Feb 25, 2008
    That is so frightening! I'm very glad Liam is OK thanks to your quick intervention.

    Checkers is a food gulper too, and frequently swallows treats and chews whole so I watch her like a hawk. She's gotten pieces stuck in her throat several times...always at night when vets aren't open of course! A vet tech told me once to give her a spoonful of pumpkin when it happens. The thick, smooth consistency helps the food slide down. This has worked for me a few times.

    Pats to Liam and no more scaring your mom! :no:
  8. ghggp

    ghggp Moderator

    Aug 28, 2011
    Grosse Pointe, Michigan
    OMG... I am so glad Liam is OK!
    So scary...

    Thank GOD you were there to help him! :hugs
  9. jomuir

    jomuir Forums Enthusiast

    May 10, 2011
    Your story gave me a heart attack! I would freak out if one of mine were choking. Now I am heading over to youtube to look for dog Heimlich videos. So glad this had a happy ending, you are smart under pressure.
  10. Emmasmom

    Emmasmom Forums Sage

    Apr 2, 2010
    I had to learn to be - Mom collapsed in front of me and passed away. The last six months Dad was alive, he collapsed about four or five times. I learned to deal with the emergencies as they came.

    I am glad that sharing my story of Liam has helped raise awareness of learning how to do the Heimlich on dogs. We never know what we will face in life - just so happy my boy was okay.

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