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15 week puppy high energy activity suggestions

Discussion in 'Puppies 101' started by SueEllen, Apr 21, 2014.

  1. SueEllen

    SueEllen Forums Regular

    Jan 3, 2014
    Haha cute idea! :)
  2. Shelby's mom

    Shelby's mom Forums Enthusiast

    Jan 4, 2012
    We used two different treat dispensers for her food. One was a ball and as she rolled it around the kibble would come out. But then one day she came running up to me with half the empty dispenser in her mouth. I discovered that she figured out how to unscrew the two halfs and just eat the food out:rolleyes2:

    Then we used one that is a jug with a rope and they have to tug the rope to get the kibble out. This one made her work a lot harder and she was not able to unscrew the bottom. But she did eventually break the neck of the bottle off and that was the end of it. But by that time she was much better and we could just feed completely from her bowl.

    There are a ton of interactive toys out there that I am sure would be helpful.
  3. MissJennyAngel

    MissJennyAngel Forums Novice

    Apr 4, 2014
    I steal my sheltie's squeaky toy we affectionately call "squeeeeekie" if it's close to bedtime, I'll take the toy and run with it! She follows me for a good lap or two before I give it a throw. She grabs it, runs the same laps (oddly without me) when I act like I'm ignoring her, she pushes the toy against my calf and squeaks it! ( then I make chase, only fair!)

    It's a silly routine, but it gets my workout in and her tuckered out for bed. Hopefully spark and idea on a fun game to play and burn some of that energy!

    Angel is 6 months and has learned to fake me out when trying to steal squeaky! If you have a hard time being mobile, maybe try treat in a rubber ball. I've also used kong toy where they have to tip over the toy to get treats. Helps keep Angel focused while I load the dish washer! (If I didn't she'd try to lick every item clean)
  4. SueEllen

    SueEllen Forums Regular

    Jan 3, 2014
    I do play with the ball in the house & he has "play time" every day with our cat Molly. When he is "empty" :), I let them both chase each other around the house. He chases Molly & funny enough Molly chases her. That tires him out a lot since they run up & down the stairs.

    I will try some toys to put kibble in- sounds like it could keep him busy/mentally stimulated for a while.

    I quite mobile ( was a figure skating coach for years) so no excuses in keeping up with Bailey ! :eek2:

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