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Early Morning wake up call

Discussion in 'Puppies 101' started by danisgoat, Jun 25, 2014.


    EJHUNTL Forums Enthusiast

    Aug 11, 2013
    Ontario, Grand Bend
    OMG you guys, I had no idea how very lucky I am. Hanna very quickly, as in within the first month I had her, settled into going to bed at about 11-12 pm and up at 7am. These days she goes to curl up in her crate in the bedroom or on the cool tile floor in the bathroom if it's really hot & humid, sometime about 10 pm when hubby goes to bed. When I come in an hour or 2 later I will put her on the bed if she's not sleeping - otherwise I just close the crate door. She does not
    make a peep until one of us gets up. Usually that's between 7:30 and 8am. If she's on the bed she might start playing with Kitty earlier but it only happens if one of us is already awake but not moving yet. She has never had an accident in her crate or on the bed - but a few mornings when I did not shut the crate door she snuck out and did her business on the mat by the back door without waking us up. So now I always either put her on the bed or latch the door.

    She is no longer crated at all when we go out - today it was from 10 am until almost 4 pm. No accidents, nothing damaged.
  2. Justicemom

    Justicemom Forums Celebrity

    Oct 2, 2009
    I would argue that 10 mins is too long if a puppy really needs to go out when they are screaming in the crate in the early morning, it should be almost immediately when they get to the potty area. If they fool around for 10 mins they really did not need to go out IMO.

    And yes, go potty and back to bed until the time I want them to get up.
  3. BarbV

    BarbV Forums Celebrity

    Calla is 17 weeks old now.

    I'm an early to bed kind of person so last pee is usually around 9 pm.

    Callan has taking to waking at 5:30 to go out. But then he goes back to bed for a half hour and so do I.

    Indy doesn't budge. He knows there is no point yet.

    At 6, Indy starts his moves, and Callan starts to fuss too. If I raise my head to look at the clock, Indy is off and running to his food bowl. And it's time for me to get up anyway. Their internal clocks are amazing! I don't even set my alarm anymore!

    So weekdays, this schedule works fine. Weekends, not so much.....but I've not ever been able to get Indy to budge. With him though I could feed him and go back to bed. With Callan, he needs to be watched, so weekends at the cottage have me watching a lot of sunrises! While Hubby snoozes away....

    I actually think I'm pretty darn lucky that I've never had to do the 3 am visit outside. So I'm not going to complain. But just once it would be nice to wake up when I want to.

    Part of the problem is me.....I'm a very scheduled person and so turned my dogs into the same. Wish I could be more flexible and therefore my dogs.....I created this myself! :gaah
  4. JessicaR

    JessicaR Forums Enthusiast

    Sep 8, 2008
    Tiffin Ohio
    Sorry if I didn't make myself clear. I said wait 5-10 minutes the next day, but obviously if the puppy is really screaming and crying after 5 minutes then yes let him out to go potty, but if its just a whoa is me I am stuck in this terrible crate and I want out then no I wouldn't let him out. Also if he is consistently using the potty cry but then not going right away, then yes I would ignore him. Usually there is a difference in cries, although I did have a Doberman pup that could really holler like she had to go when she really just wanted out to play :lol:

    Sometimes these shelties are too smart and try to manipulate us :wink2:
  5. JessicaR

    JessicaR Forums Enthusiast

    Sep 8, 2008
    Tiffin Ohio
    I am the exact opposite, I am not very scheduled. With the kids in sports at different times sometimes running late sometimes early, and of course during the school year I am up earlier than I am in the summer. My dogs are well adjusted to a life of no schedules heck half of the time I throw their dinner in their crates at bedtime and they still will sleep in until I wake up, which depending on the day or how late we was out could be anywhere between 6:30-9am. Hubs always gets up at 6:30 for work, but the dogs sleep right through that.

    But of course this works fine for me since I am a stay at home mom and don't have to worry about working around a work schedule.
  6. danisgoat

    danisgoat Moderator

    Jul 23, 2009
    He goes as soon as his feet hit the ground.

    Then he runs a few little circles and within minutes he poops. He definitely has to go potty as soon as he wakes up. I just was hoping I could delay him from waking up right at 5. It seems now, he has to pee as soon as he wakes up (this is from naps as well).
  7. JessicaR

    JessicaR Forums Enthusiast

    Sep 8, 2008
    Tiffin Ohio
    If that is the case then I guess there is nothing else to do but wait until his bladder/bowels mature. :lol:

    I also wanted to apologize, if I came off a little grouchy :uhoh: being halfway through my pregnancy and this heat and humidity we have been having I can sometimes be a bit short. Plus having a bad day anyways. Son was pulled over and harassed for driving too good, has to be on drugs or alcohol, stupid cops! :rolleyes2:
    Maybe I shouldn't post things while I am pregnant :lol:
  8. danisgoat

    danisgoat Moderator

    Jul 23, 2009
    You were fine. LOL...don't post things about being pregnant and having a son that drives. My daughter is driving and the thought of being pregnant would send me over the edge, lol.

    I am just hoping that he grows out of it soon. He is only 8.5 weeks and we have only had him for 5 days.

    I will probably try taking him out tomorrow morning and then putting him right back to bed. Hopefully, the kids and hubby will let him cry. I don't remember having this problem with the girls, but then again, maybe I did but it was short lived. Or, I got my girls in November and January so it got light later.
  9. BarbV

    BarbV Forums Celebrity

    Callan also pees and poos first thing in the morning at 5:30. I expected the poo to happen after eating, but no.

    Now he pees/poos, eats, pees again about half our later, plays some more then sleeps. If I take him out again, he will pee. But if I leave the house, he's fine. When I come home to feed him lunch, he will pee and poo again before lunch. Then lunch, some okay another pee and back to nap time. Petty much same drill at supper.

    I would expect the poo after eating but is usually after nap.

    Aren't we pathetic discussing bowel habits! I have no life!
  10. Shelby's mom

    Shelby's mom Forums Enthusiast

    Jan 4, 2012
    Hollie used to never let us sleep past 6am. It drove me crazy.

    So when Shelby came along I said we are not going to let her train us like Hollie did. So once I knew she could hold it all night we just ignored the crying and she eventually got the hint. Now when we get up at 5 on week days she doesn't even bother to move. She lays on the floor and doesn't even want to be awake. She stays there until we are showered and dressed for work. Then DH takes her downstairs to feed her. After eating she still really isn't eager to go out even though we make her. On the weekends she starts pacing around 730-8 and will make a little whine just to see if we are awake. If we don't move she will go back to sleep. But if you move just 1 inch forget it. This past week on vacation she didn't wake us once. We actually had to wake her up in the mornings.

    I am so glad she is not a morning person.

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