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Gypsy Rescue Transport: update notifications

Discussion in 'Rescue Chat' started by mmcginty, Apr 16, 2012.

  1. mmcginty

    mmcginty Forums Enthusiast

    Jul 11, 2011
    transition to new site name

    Because the original thought behind gypsyrescuetransport.com has been put on hold (perhaps indefinitely) I registered a new domain name for the web site:


    I know Gypsy is gone from the domain name, but not the site, the dedication to her will remain as long as I can still draw a breath.

    In any case, the transition will go like this:

    When you visit the old site a page will pop up with basically the same info as this PM, with a link to the new site.

    Your logins have been preserved but all accounts have been assigned a temporary password:

    password: 123456

    Please change it when you login. After that your browser will be permanently redirected to the new site, so you'll only see the notice one time, even if you continue to use the old domain name.

    If you have absolutely any problems at all, or any questions, please don't hesitate to let me know!

    Thanks for your patience,
  2. tentcamp

    tentcamp Forums Enthusiast

    Nov 4, 2009
    16510. Try this, I assume it is my zip code I put in. None from Ohio come up. I was looking for Precious Secrets Sheltie Rescue they are on Petfinder, I have rescued from them in the past. You have done a wonderful job, it makes me sad to see so many waiting for a home. Thanks
  3. mmcginty

    mmcginty Forums Enthusiast

    Jul 11, 2011
    I see what is up, but will need to contact PF to get to the bottom of it. The problem is the records for that shelter aren't being returned by the API -- they were until 5/30, but on that day the record count went from ~975 down to ~570. I assumed they did a data cleanup, but it seems to me there is a problem with the API now.

    Even when I send 45044 as the start location, I still don't get any of Precious Shelties records. I'll email them and let you know what they say.

    Thanks for the report -- good eye! :yes:
  4. tentcamp

    tentcamp Forums Enthusiast

    Nov 4, 2009
    I'm not looking for a new Sheltie but that rescue is dear to my heart.
  5. mmcginty

    mmcginty Forums Enthusiast

    Jul 11, 2011
    I identified a definite problem with their data, when I query for pets at that rescue, it returns none. That's clearly wrong, as when you click 'pets at this shelter' in PF it returns several. So I sent the details to PF, backed-out the erroneous delete flags and suspended further deletes (by PF) until it is resolved.
  6. tentcamp

    tentcamp Forums Enthusiast

    Nov 4, 2009
    Whatever you did is great, it is working now! Thanks

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