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Hello from Austria!

Discussion in 'Say Hello!' started by Steffi, Aug 14, 2014.

  1. Brook

    Brook Forums Novice

    Oct 9, 2014
    Hi from Australia

    Hi Steffi just joined today . I have 4 shelties ,Brook , Whisper, zero and Pocket
  2. alonsoe

    alonsoe Forums Enthusiast

    Jun 20, 2014
    Hello Steffi and Vivo!

    Sheltie-lovers are always wellcome to this forum plenty of great people and shelties :yes:

    I'm from Spain, so we are europeans, but here there are a lot of people arround the world....mainly USA....as I've seen by the moment, but the forum is growing faster, so is becoming international.....it must be called Sheltie-Internation :lol:

    I've got two 6 months puppies shelties who has brough lots of happyness to my home. I can't post pictures....but I can't wait to see your boy....please send a picture for us :fl

    European lines are a bit different from the americans.....but all of them are so similar....with those intelligent and sensitive eyes :hugs

    I hope you enjoy the forum as I do! A lot of interesting and funny things here! :pop

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