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What unusual things set your dog off?

Discussion in 'General Dog Chat' started by Mom2Melli, Apr 29, 2014.

  1. SheepOfBlue

    SheepOfBlue Premium Member

    Oct 15, 2009
    Spitfire reacts to a LOT (I call it Spitfiring) but the one that cracks me up is kitchen garbage bags. He goes nuts and has leaped up and landed on his back going nuts (he was OK).

    Sca only reacts to Spitfire :lol: Everything else is normal excitement.
  2. windy

    windy Forums Regular

    Apr 26, 2013
    Tuscaloosa, Alabama
    I was going to say that Blithe only goes nuts when it's his meal time, and when he knows I'm going to get the ice cream and he knows he'll get a spoonful. My freezer drawer in on the bottom of my fridge and guess-who will stick his nose in there every time I open it, but only goes nuts when it's ice cream time at night.

    But the sneezing reminded me that he also goes nuts when I sneeze and will run from another room and throw himself at me. If I'm sitting in my swivel chair he'll knock it spinning with the force when he throws himself at me.

    Guess I'm pretty lucky. I wouldn't like to have such a reactive pup as some of you do.
  3. Mom2Melli

    Mom2Melli Forums Enthusiast

    Oct 2, 2013
    Central California
    My shepherd is an ice cream NUT too. I can walk in with ice cream still in the grocery bag and he is flipping out dancing and going nuts. Bad mommy for starting THAT when he was a pup! His birthday cake is always an ice cream cake. Melli takes her bite or two but Shay is the one leaping and dancing.
  4. ute_fan

    ute_fan Forums Enthusiast

    Jan 23, 2012
    Had this on another thread, but the smell of bacon terrorizes Callie. Had the smoke alarm malfunction one time when I was cooking it, and we couldn't get it to stop for over an hour, and now she thinks that awful sound will start up again when I cook bacon. At night, all I have to do is close my laptop lid and announce I'm going to bed -- and she turns into a whirling dervish, and attempts to herd me back into my chair.

    She also doesn't like the sound of the phone ringing, or the beeping of the microwave, or the sound or movement of the trees when it's windy. Other things that I thought might set her off, like the vacuum or hair dryer, she pays no attention to.
  5. Cyllian

    Cyllian Forums Regular

    Feb 7, 2012
    Jester hates garbage sacks anything that is being shaken out say like bedding. He also hates it when we do laundry. No it is not the washer or dryer it is us moving the laundry basket to the laundry room or back to the bedroom he flips out over. He also doesn't like it when people are going to leave the house.

    Usually Fox just barks because Jester is barking he doesn't typically get all freaked out like that. Then Jester gets after Fox for barking at him.

    So every day when my husband is getting ready for work he races around nearby barking and snarling and frantically shaking a toy like he is quite upset. Once husband is out the door and he is obviously not coming back as the car has left he calms down. Five minutes of the loud stuff and then silence. very strange.
  6. Tagg

    Tagg Forums Enthusiast

    Jan 4, 2012
    Brantford, On
    Nothing bothers the westie. She is as grounded as a dog can get. Tinsel is fine with everything you would think he might be afraid of ie. vacuum, hairdryer, bells, whistles, storms etc. but pull out the curling iron and he growls and takes off. He'll also growl if hubby is carrying anything that makes hubby's shape different - a box, a stool, a ladder, but never does it to me.
    We think something that looks like a curling iron, or maybe even one, was used in the attempt to debark him. Really, the vet says there is scarring that was either heat or chemically induced. It's the only thing we can't get him to target on but he will come over and check out other kitchen type tools that are similar. GRRRRRR
  7. celloyogi

    celloyogi Forums Enthusiast

    Mar 11, 2012
    southeast MI
    Canned air and anything that makes a similar sound (including humans imitating it). Trash bags being flipped open. Emergency vehicle sirens, be they near or far. The presence of potato chips, just out of her physical reach but well within the sniffing zone. FedEx/UPS/USPS... until they come to the door and then she's happy to see them. The stove when we're cooking anything that smokes, like a steak. The oven when it is on self-clean or the broiler is on (again, smokey smell). We call both of those "The Sizzler".

    The thing that gets the biggest crazy-show out of Olive is the coffee grinder. She knows when we reach for the beans that she'll get to go after the grinder soon. I gave up crating her when the grinder was going because even in the 20sec of grinding, she acted like a crazed rabid animal and I was worried she was going to break a leg/tooth/etc. So now she just runs in circles around the person making coffee.

    Out last Sheltie, Pavi, used to run circles around my folks' cottage whenever the grinder was going.
  8. Shelby's mom

    Shelby's mom Forums Enthusiast

    Jan 4, 2012
    Shelby is the garbage bag queen (so was Hollie). It is one of here chores to jump at the bag. She jumps so high and she too has already jumped so high she fell when she landed thankfully she wasn't but and went right back to jumping.

    She also goes crazy when we open the utensil drawer (she knows there will be reflections to chase), the vac sealer machine, or just when she hears kids or dogs outside.
  9. Chris

    Chris Premium Member

    Feb 25, 2008
    Annie Laurie goes bonkers when I set up to cut her Daddy's hair in the bathroom. "NOOOOOO! You're KILLING HIM!!!!!" :lol:

    After I've finished, she runs in to check that he's not dead. "OH THANK GOD, YOU"RE ALIIIIIIVE!!!!!"
  10. Margi

    Margi Premium Member

    Nov 2, 2012
    Corona, AZ
    I just discovered Fillion is afraid of the Sheltie on the calendar. I took the frame off the wall to change it and showed him the sable puppy for April. He started growling and going "buff! Buff!, then ran outside and got his dad. Koko was scared of it too! The merle for May wasn't AS scary as the headshot of the pup but he still didn't like it. Cracked us up though :)

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