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They never leave us

Discussion in 'Sheltie Chat' started by bi-blacks, Dec 17, 2013.

  1. bi-blacks

    bi-blacks Forums Enthusiast

    Jan 17, 2012
    Winnipeg, Mb. Canada
    Yesterday would have been Shelby's 13th birthday. He passed away suddenly 5 years ago August. The most unexplicable thing happened last evening. A manilla envelope of old cards fell out of my bedroom closet. They have been up there for years. While I was cleaning them up I came across a card from Shelby that my husband had bought for him to give me for my 50th birthday. When I read the poem inside I cried cause it was then that I realized it was his birthday. I think it was his way of saying "I'm still with you." I cried even harder.
  2. Mom2Melli

    Mom2Melli Forums Enthusiast

    Oct 2, 2013
    Central California
    So true. I had something odd happen yesterday too and it was the anniversary of my big red Aussie's passing. Indeed, love remains even across dimensions.
  3. Tabitha

    Tabitha Forums Enthusiast

    Apr 5, 2013
    Lubbock, Texas
    So very true. I'm so sorry for your loss, Happy Birthday Shelby. :hugs

    I remember one day years ago I was laying on the floor with F-kap Sr (F-kap Jr's grandpa). We were staring at each other, then he fell asleep with his head between his paws and started twitching his eye's in his dreams. He looked so peaceful, a couple weeks later he passed long before his time. It's one of my most special memories of him that I'll never forget. It's implanted in my head, us together forever. The other day F-kap Jr and I did the EXACT same thing. The intense stare, loving eye's drifting to sleep, then twitching in happy dreams. The memory of my first sheltie lives on in his grandson. I watched him dreaming and stared to cry. That's another memory that I'll never forget for as long as I live. They'er always with us, forever.
  4. trini

    trini Forums Sage

    Nov 13, 2013
    upstate NY, USA
    Janet, you are right...none of the little ones we have loved are ever "gone"...they are forever with us in so many ways.

  5. Sullivan

    Sullivan Forums Enthusiast

    May 29, 2013
    I'm sorry yesterday was such a hard day for you, you're right, they don't leave us, they just get buried a little deeper in our hearts. On the really bad days, we shed a few tears and then we just reach in and pull out a few good memories of our Angel's and that helps put a smile on our face. Put this visual in your head, Shelby young again and pain free just waiting at the Bridge until you join him again.
  6. Shelby's mom

    Shelby's mom Forums Enthusiast

    Jan 4, 2012
    They definitely live with us forever. So sorry you had a tough day. But you have those great memories to bring you peace.
  7. BarbV

    BarbV Forums Celebrity

    No, they don't.....in my business as pet store supply owner, I found myself in tears today, sharing with one of my customers our stories. By this time, I, my customer and both my staff members were all crying.

    No....it does not ever go away. Loosing Timber so soon after loosing my daughter just cut my heart out.
  8. Lightplum

    Lightplum Forums Sage

    Jan 4, 2009
    Rhode Island
    Todays would have been Mollys birthday..It was funny when I went to pick up her ashes I was swarmed with 100s of dragon flies...Every now and than one will fly by me, even this fall when they would be all gone I would have one buzz by my face..And even now though its winter and they are all gone I see will come across dragon fly items...today I was hoping I would see something..but nothing:(
  9. LaddieKatieMom

    LaddieKatieMom Forums Enthusiast

    Apr 14, 2010
    San Diego, CA
    The other day Laddie was at the side of my bed again, staring at my pillow and barked twice, then walked out of the room. That's the second time he's done that....I think Katie is holding on to her bed territory from the bridge! It is Sooooo hard being without her. They truly never leave us. I am having a hard time getting to sleep without her next to me. Now I want to start crying again, but I'm at work...

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