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Eye seems to roll in socket

Discussion in 'Diseases & Illnesses' started by janice7920, Feb 25, 2015.

  1. janice7920

    janice7920 Forums Enthusiast

    Mar 26, 2011
    Milwaukee, WI
    This morning I noticed my dog's left eye was partially rolled, exposing half the white and half the brown. It happened two or three times now she looks normal again. Has anyone experienced a dogs eye rolling around in its socket? I want to take her in to the vet but her eye looks fine now and I'm worried I'll look like an idiot if there's nothing happening when I get there.
  2. Mom2Melli

    Mom2Melli Forums Enthusiast

    Oct 2, 2013
    Central California
    Perhaps call an office of a pet eye specialist and see what they think? Tell them it is intermittent is this something to worry about and if so when?
  3. The Quahog

    The Quahog Forums Enthusiast

    Dec 1, 2009
    Rhode island
    It is highly unlikely that the eye is rolling around in the socket. When clients say they are seeing this it is almost always that the third eyelid is coming up at times and covering the lower half of the eyeball.
    Obviously can not diagnose without seeing, but this would be my guess of something to check for.
  4. janice7920

    janice7920 Forums Enthusiast

    Mar 26, 2011
    Milwaukee, WI
    Thank you, I appreciate the replies.
  5. sable

    sable Forums Enthusiast

    Oct 2, 2008
    How do they correct something like this? i have heard of the eyelid problem thankfully never had that experience.
  6. The Quahog

    The Quahog Forums Enthusiast

    Dec 1, 2009
    Rhode island
    As most here know, here is a 'third eyelid', the nictitating membrane,inside the lower lid that can slide up to cover the eyeball.Because it looks like the white of the eye, when it is abnormally up it gives the appearance that the eye is 'rolling back into the head'. (It can also develop a large ugly swelling called a 'cherry eye', which is presumably what you are referring to.) In cats, when they are protruding it is called 'having their haws up.'
    Usually when it is protruding it simply means that the eye is irritated. The most famous cause is the rather bizarre 'Horner's syndrome', but in that case it would remain up and would not return to normal.

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