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Sample menu for puppies please

Discussion in 'BARF, Raw & Natural Diets' started by Number 3, Mar 13, 2015.

  1. Number 3

    Number 3 Forums Regular

    Feb 5, 2015

    I finally got my 11 week old puppy to eat!

    Anyway can you give me a sample of the menu that you feed your puppies for say, a week? Either Barf or Prey model.

    How much for each meal and what is in each meal.

    How often for bones?

    How old is your puppy and what is their weight?

    I am trying to keep it simple and not blow my mind :eek2:

    Thank you!
  2. Caro

    Caro Moderator

    Jan 14, 2009
    Given the importance of good nutrition for growing pups there's going to be a risk fiddling around with her diet if you're not sure what you're doing yet. I'd recommend starting with a ready made BARF product that is nutritionally balanced. It's a great way to get started without taking the risk of getting it wrong in a pup.

    You can buy 'barf patties' from most larger pet stores. There's also a mix you add to your own meat to provide a balanced meal. I really like the Vets All Natural (VAN) products (have a look at their website for more info http://www.vetsallnatural.com.au/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=28). Over the years I have used the Complete Mix - which is kind of a muesli you soak in water and add to your own meat - so I can recommend it (the weight loss version really works).

    Btw - was there anything in particular you found that worked with getting her eating? It's really helpful to hear successes.
  3. Number 3

    Number 3 Forums Regular

    Feb 5, 2015
    Thank you!

    To get her to eat, I switched from ground meat (mince) to meat cubes. Its like she couldn't figure out how to eat the mince. But she can eat it when its in chopped up cubes!

  4. tesslynn

    tesslynn Forums Enthusiast

    Mar 3, 2014
    Shelties can be weird about texture and size. Kaleigh when she was teething wouldn't eat any food over a certain size. I guess it bothered her gums so I had to make sure to cut everything up tiny. She outgrew that. Savannah likes warmer food, if it cools she walks away and won't touch it. Mine are spoiled rotten.
  5. Horse Chestnut

    Horse Chestnut Forums Regular

    Jul 1, 2015
    Columbus, OH
    A great food for puppies, or any raw diet dog, is green tripe. It's sort of a super food for prey animals, and most dogs love it. It's full of stinky goodness! If you can't find a source for it in your area, you can always find it online, such as this site: http://www.greentripe.com/

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