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Discussion in 'Senior Sheltie Health' started by corbinam, Oct 2, 2017.

  1. corbinam

    corbinam Moderator

    Oct 14, 2008
    We have recently noticed that Bentley is going deaf. He's always been a dog with selective hearing ("Come?...Nah!") so we only began to notice it when I started taking both Lexi and Enzo to agility class. When I'd come home, Bentley would be asleep on the couch despite the noise of the garage door, our security system being disarmed, and me going upstairs. (He has clearly been relying on the younger dogs to 'tell' him when we are home and it's time to wake up and bark!)

    It makes me really sad! He is only 10 years old (turned 10 in July). This seems so soon! I know that just like humans it can happen at any time as we get older, but I worry that this means something else is going on.

    The dogs are going in next month for their yearly (including a full blood panel) so of course I'll be mentioning it to the vet, but I'm curious...have any of your shelties started going deaf this soon?
  2. ghggp

    ghggp Moderator

    Aug 28, 2011
    Grosse Pointe, Michigan
    It does break your heart when you see them declining in any way.

    My sisters little Sheltie Jasmine is 12 and almost deaf. He sight is going as well. In dim light she bumps into things and gets disoriented.

    She has recently been diagnosed with diabetes.

    When they are seniors they need more frequent vet visits ... good luck! I feel for you.
  3. Calliesmom

    Calliesmom Moderator

    Mar 29, 2008
    near Mobile, AL
    Callie lost some of her hearing but I'm not sure how old she was. I don't think that she was totally deaf-she used to react to thunderstorms but stopped doing that in her later years....
  4. Ann

    Ann Moderator

    Feb 25, 2008
    We're in the same boat with Barkley. He is 10 going on 11 and I've noticed his hearing has been declining for some time. I think now he's almost completely deaf. When they're all outside and he's laying on the deck facing away from me, he doesn't hear the door open or even the other dogs coming in. I have to go out and call him, loudly. And if you touch him before he sees you, it startles him. It's very sad.

    He and Checkers are littermates, and the difference between them is incredible. Barkley is an old 10, and Checkers is going on 5. In Barkley's case, I think it goes back to his having Lyme disease at 6 months old, and recurring flare-ups ever since. But I don't know if that has anything to do with his hearing loss.
  5. Hanne

    Hanne Forums Sage

    Nov 13, 2014
    My shepherd dog also became deaf when she grew older, I made signs to her and did not touch her from behind so she was scared, before long it was a habit.

    If she had become blind, it would have hurt me a lot.
  6. ghggp

    ghggp Moderator

    Aug 28, 2011
    Grosse Pointe, Michigan
    My dear boy Mr Chance also became deaf a year before his passing at 14.

    He also slept very soundly due to that fact. As others have stated, he also became startled at being touched when asleep.

    Jasmine, my sisters Sheltie gets very scared. I have taken to placing my hand near her nose to wake her up. Not touching but close with a yummy treat. That helps wake her so she does not become afraid.
  7. Chris

    Chris Premium Member

    Feb 25, 2008
    Layla's hearing is slipping away, Ashley. She's just a tad older than Bentley (12 in December), but it's been coming on for more than a year. I thought she was just being her cute self when she's stand at the top of the stairs "ignoring" me calling her to come down. Now I realize she simply couldn't quite hear me.

    It doesn't seem to bother her. I make sure any commands are in a louder, clearer tone. But I feel sad that she can't hear me whispering sweet nothings to her. Fortunately, through years of taking Layla to church, she's seen me silently mouthing, "I love you" when she looks up at me. :hugs
  8. Hanne

    Hanne Forums Sage

    Nov 13, 2014
    I will believe she can smell / feel it because our bodies separate pheromones
  9. Caro

    Caro Moderator

    Jan 14, 2009
    Tully's sight has been going for a while and she's 10. It's so sad because she is a very sight driven dog, when we go on walks she doesn't see the bunnies anymore. But gosh it makes me sad that age afflicts her - to look at her you'd think she was a spring chicken, and she still thinks she is.
  10. sable

    sable Forums Enthusiast

    Oct 2, 2008
    Lucky became deaf and his vision was not great. We go on their journey and enjoy everyday we have them.
    The shelties on this board has human care takers that are fabulous.

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