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How does a thread get added to the Favorites or "Best Of" forums?

Discussion in 'Frequently Asked Questions' started by BarbV, Sep 12, 2008.

  1. BarbV

    BarbV Forums Celebrity


    I just noticed that there is a forum labelled Favourites but has never been populated.

    I think it would be great if some of the best threads (especially tips, etc.) were there.

    I've only been here for a couple of months, but I expect there are alot of topics that get repeated again and again!

    Just a thought!
  2. mcguiregirl2248

    mcguiregirl2248 Forums Enthusiast

    Mar 12, 2008
    Britton, MI
    Good Idea!!

    That's a really good idea! I don't know why someone didn't think of it before. Kelly do we need to request things to be moved to the favorites?
  3. Kelly

    Kelly Administrator

    Feb 21, 2008
    Yep, emailing or PM me to make a suggestion for either the "best of" or reference section. Generally the "best of" section is for the really humorous or long threads that produce a great story or the rally to action by the group.

    The forum is still so new that there haven't been any thread nominations yet.

    Just let me know which threads you would like to nominate. A link to the thread, or the thread title & start date will help me identify it.

    However, I will have to close the thread in order to move it over.
  4. OntarioSheltie

    OntarioSheltie Forums Celebrity

    Apr 29, 2008
    Ontario, Canada
    Best Of And Reference Threads

    I've given a lot of thought to Barb V's suggestion of populating the Favorites Section. I have a couple of suggestions for Favorites as well as for the Reference Section. I'd love it if others on the forum would go through the threads and pick the ones they love or think are really informative too.

    I haven't gotten far yet, these are my suggestions for the 'Behavior' Category:


    "Does Your Sheltie Like To Eat Strange Things?" (This thread just about had me in tears!)

    "Fun And Games" Also very amusing


    "House Breaking Via Crate Training"
    "Is It Too Late To Get A Crate For My Sheltie"
    "Barking and Snapping"
    "Are Sheltie's Swimmers?"
    "When You Leave For Work, What Do You Do With Your Dog?"
    "Can You Leave Your Sheltie Outside Unattended?"
  5. BarbV

    BarbV Forums Celebrity

    Hey Ontario Sheltie

    That's great!

    I too will go back and search out what I think are some pretty valuable threads. I'm sure there is great stuff that pre-dates my joining - I just have not had the time to go searching

    It's be great to get this section going.

  6. BarbV

    BarbV Forums Celebrity


    Favourites and Reference Site is up and running. Thanks Kelly!

    Everyone, if you have some favourite threads or good reference sites that should be posted in this area, please let Kelly know.

    Kelly - once the thread is closed to move it over, can it be opened again?
  7. Kelly

    Kelly Administrator

    Feb 21, 2008
    Hi Barb,

    No, when the thread is moved over to the favorites or reference categories, it is closed.

    It might be a good idea to wait a while after the activity in a thread dies down before moving it over. That way most everyone gets a say or can offer their advice.

    Of course someone could always start a new thread on the topic, but it is discouraged, as it just becomes repetitive.
  8. BarbV

    BarbV Forums Celebrity

    Yep, that's what I thought.

    Perhaps you could start my transferring over the 4 and 5 star threads once they've settled.

    I still plan to go back and review old stuff that pre-existed my joining. I'm sure that there is good stuff there.

    Another consideration is to be even more granular in the categories.

    E.g. under Grooming, there are many thread on Ears and Nails alone. Maybe we'd get less new threads on the same topic if we sub-categoried more?

    Just a thought.

    Thanks Kelly for this wonderful site. I love it here.


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