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Is it a faux pax?

Discussion in 'Sheltie Training' started by jb&addie, Dec 11, 2016.

  1. jb&addie

    jb&addie Forums Novice

    Dec 11, 2016
    Hi - it's Jumba...new name. It wouldn't recognize me so I had to create a new username.

    Anywho, Addie and I had to take a break from training because I got pregnant (and had a little boy! 8lbs 6oz), and then she broke her leg (all fixed!).

    I emailed our old trainer to be evaluated to see if we qualified for obedience 2, or if we had to retake obedience 1. I wanted to get her CGC, and try rally. She and I have really clicked and she is enjoying obedience , finally.

    Well, the trainer isn't going to be offering it, because the trainer who taught it is on a LOA. She has an intro to agility, but I have to take Addie to ortho to be cleared. Rather than risk it , I'd rather just do obedience and rally.

    Our county has a kennel club who offers obedience, and rally.

    Would it be a faux pax to go to their classes even though we have already established with our other trainer?
  2. Calliesmom

    Calliesmom Moderator

    Mar 29, 2008
    near Mobile, AL
    I'd say if she's not offering classes at this time and the other place is, take what you can get:winkgrin:
    if it's like here, there aren't a lot of options................
    jb&addie likes this.
  3. Caro

    Caro Moderator

    Jan 14, 2009
    I think that's perfectly reasonable to go elsewhere, esp as they aren't offering the course you need. You don't want to risk her leg with agility, and taking another class will keep her active without the stresses. I always figure active life for a dog is so short, there's no point to waiting. I would often take me dogs to training at another club (even though I was Secretary of the dog club), because the times didn't fit, or I wanted to train on different grounds (helps them get familiar in other environments where they would compete), and it was never a problem. Many of the other instructors and Committee members would train at the other club as well.

    That's so great you want to keep up with the training with a baby!
  4. Piper's mom

    Piper's mom Moderator

    Jun 26, 2015
    Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
    I don't see anything wrong going to another trainer especially when your old one doesn't offer the class. Only thing I found is there's a bit of an adjustment period to adapt to the different training methods but then it's good after.

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