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It's been almost a year....

Discussion in 'Sheltie Angels' started by Fasb's Owner, Nov 20, 2016.

  1. ghggp

    ghggp Moderator

    Aug 28, 2011
    Grosse Pointe, Michigan
    I swear your comment, "What I really want, I guess, is Fasb back, de-aged to about age four or six. Those were probably my favorite years with him." resonated so completely with me! Your pain still feels fresh. I completely understand your sorrow and pain.

    I looked at photos this weekend from the first day I adopted Mr Chance. I wish for those days as well. With tears streaming down my face now... the only thing that keeps me going is.... knowing one day I will cross the bridge to be with him once again. I will not mind leaving this earth knowing we will be reunited once again remembering those precious times!

    Virtual hugs to you. Fasb's is waiting for you healthy once again...
    Hanne likes this.
  2. Fasb's Owner

    Fasb's Owner Forums Enthusiast

    Jan 21, 2013
    Morgantown, WV
    Despite being an accountant, I'm bad at math. May 1st was 17 months, not 18.

    Got a somewhat serious health issue going on right now. Planning to buy a sheltie pup (from a breeder) soon as this is resolved. Life is short, etc, etc.
  3. Caro

    Caro Moderator

    Jan 14, 2009
    A puppy. That will be exciting. Hope the anticipation helps you get better quicker. How's your other dog going with you all?
  4. Hanne

    Hanne Forums Sage

    Nov 13, 2014
    So good to read :yes:
    - In my eyes, the only way we can get pleasure and get closer to our lives
    - although every time I've forgotten how it was like to have a puppy :biggrin2:
  5. mimiretz

    mimiretz Forums Enthusiast

    Oct 14, 2014
    I hope your health issue resolves quickly and for the best. And yes, starting with a puppy makes a lot of sense. You'll be so preoccupied with who this new creature in your life is, that any comparisons to Fasb with fade -- at least, I hope that's the way it works for you.

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