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Just way too smart

Discussion in 'Sheltie Chat' started by Pam, Jun 6, 2017.

  1. Pam

    Pam Forums Enthusiast

    Mar 4, 2017
    Ok, so as I have often stated, Beau is an active pup. Well, besides running him around the yard, walking him, training him, etc I took to making "puzzles" for him. Usually this included paper towel or tp inside rolls (the carboard) and plastic bottles, boxes and such. I need to keep making them more elaborate to make him work. Today I put a small treat in a folded tp roll pushed inside a paper towel roll, tucked in brown paper, put in a small box inside a larger box and the larger box placed on its side and wedged in with toys in an even bigger box that was folded shut. It took exactly 3 minutes for him to get the treat. How in the world did he know to open the biggest box, remove the toys, remove the small box, dump it over to get the paper towel roll and just pull that apart????

    He tires me out!

    Pam (owned and often out smarted by Beau 14 months)
    Hanne likes this.
  2. Shelby's mom

    Shelby's mom Forums Enthusiast

    Jan 4, 2012
    They are extremely smart! When Shelby was a pup I had one of those balls to put her dog food in that she had to push around to get the food to fall out. I would fill it and then she would come back in no time with the ball apart and half of it in her mouth! I couldn't figure out how she could possibly have unscrewed it. She was so fast I couldn't catch her doing it.

    Finally one day I caught her. She figured out how to bite along the seem where it screws together and somehow get it to unscrew with her teeth! And then she would eat her food right out of it.
    Hanne likes this.
  3. Hanne

    Hanne Forums Sage

    Nov 13, 2014
    Pam - keep up where Beau is smart :lol:
    - do not think Minnie could do this and then so fast :no:
    - But I know there would be a huge bunch of strange little pieces all over the place :gaah
  4. Cara Sandler

    Cara Sandler Forums Enthusiast

    Jul 11, 2015
    Spirit used to "solve" food puzzles by chomping down on the pieces that were supposed to come out until they were bent enough to just lift out, instead of moving them around to slide out.
    Shelby's mom and Hanne like this.
  5. tesslynn

    tesslynn Forums Enthusiast

    Mar 3, 2014
    when Kaleigh was a puppy I put treats in stuff like you are doing. She always got them figured out quickly. I even put one in a child proof capped bottle, she got that open fast w/o chewing it. I still don't know how, ha. The only one that thwarted her was putting it in one of those hinged ring type jewelry boxes, but eventually she cracked that as well.

    They are clever!!!!:smuggrin:
    Hanne likes this.
  6. JacqueZ

    JacqueZ Forums Enthusiast

    Oct 4, 2012
    Akron, Ohio
    I used to do that with Honey, it's amazing how quick they are to catch on. I read one mind game which was putting a treat on a piece of string under a couch so they'd have to pull it, and I'm like...10 seconds, that would take the girls 10 seconds or less.

    Mango especially comes at treat games from different angles. I do the muffin tin game with Honey, where you put treats under some balls and they have to take the balls out to get the treats...usually one by one...Mango sniffed at it, walked around it, nosed one ball...then took the entire tin in her mouth and dumped the whole thing! :ROFLMAO:
    MissyGallant, Shelby's mom and Hanne like this.

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