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New Member Posting Policy

Discussion in 'Frequently Asked Questions' started by Ann, Oct 16, 2009.

  1. Ann

    Ann Moderator

    Feb 25, 2008
    If you're a new member and don't see your posts appear immediately on the general Forum, here's why:

    Due to recent problems encountered with certain postings, the Administrator has found it necessary to put in place a system where new members' early posts will be reviewed and approved by the Moderators prior to appearing on the general forum. This does not apply to Premium members.

    Reviewing new posts can take up to 24 hours. Once cleared, they will appear on the Forum. Thanks for your patience!
  2. RonandJan

    RonandJan Forums Enthusiast

    Jul 27, 2009
    Windward, FL
    Thank you Kelly, Ann and McGuireGirl for all you do. We all know that this has been a stressful time and want you to know that we appreciate it.
  3. Chris

    Chris Premium Member

    Feb 25, 2008
    We certainly understand -- we all learned how one bad apple can sour the whole mix! :(
  4. BarbV

    BarbV Forums Celebrity

    Thank you!

    It won't catch all the poison, but it's a start.

    For myself, I'm making a vow to try to not get caught into the vortex of controversy and raise a red flag earlier.

    We've a fantastic forum and 99.9% safe (which is why I don't go to other forums anymore). I feel like I know each and everyone of the members here, at some level, on a personal basis....not just some anonymous poster. I'm committed to helping to keep it that way.

  5. Ann

    Ann Moderator

    Feb 25, 2008

    Thanks to all for your support, and to Kelly for all the hard work she's done to ramp us up.

    As always, don't hesitate to PM or email us if you see something that you think is questionable. We need your watchful eyes too, and appreciate your help!
  6. elaine2004

    elaine2004 Forums Enthusiast

    Feb 25, 2008
    Landaff, NH
    Awesome job !

    Thanks so much for keeping this forum to the high standards I know it has and always will. Kelly, Ann and Shawn you do an awesome job keeping things as smooth as they can go. You hard work is greatly appreciated. This is also why I don't mind being a Premium member because I want this forum to be around for awhile. The people are genuine, helpful and just so caring. Thanks again !:wink2:
  7. mcguiregirl2248

    mcguiregirl2248 Forums Enthusiast

    Mar 12, 2008
    Britton, MI

    I second what Ann has said! I'm at a loss for words today for whatever reason and Ann has summed it up very well!! :biggrin2:
  8. IrisLove

    IrisLove Forums Enthusiast

    May 12, 2009
    Toronto, ON
    I raise my glass to you all, and Iris raises her water bowl ! Cheers to great mods, I dont even usually post on forums ... this one is utterly fab though ! Unfortunately so, one bad apple can sour the bunch and there were a few occasions I had to bite my tongue hahaha ... none the less, I am excited to be becoming a premium member soon enough... I need the photo space bahaha and support the wonderful forums :lol:
  9. BarbV

    BarbV Forums Celebrity

    Can't wait till you join up as Premium! Every little bit counts! Now you only have about 3660 posts to catch up to me!
  10. Calliesmom

    Calliesmom Moderator

    Mar 29, 2008
    near Mobile, AL
    no one will ever catch you unless your computer gives out and we get like 3 months to post.....:winkgrin:

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