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Please help! Groomer combed out my sheltie's complete undercoat and I can see her red skin

Discussion in 'Grooming' started by Groves, Mar 30, 2017.

  1. Cindy

    Cindy Premium Member

    May 19, 2008
    San Francisco Bay Area, CA
    I know there are youtube videos on grooming shelties, too :)
    I am pretty simple with my routine, just grooming spray and a rake. :)
  2. 2GoodDogs

    2GoodDogs Forums Enthusiast

    Jun 17, 2010
    I'm glad your dog is doing better and sorry that you were so upset. You Tube's are a good resource! Good luck, hope she never endures such rough treatment again!
  3. Groves

    Groves Forums Regular

    Mar 30, 2017
    Thank you for all this great information. I am so glad I joined this forum but sadly for the initial reason. It's a great way to talk with others who share the same love for Shelties.
    Ann likes this.
  4. roguskie

    roguskie Forums Enthusiast

    Oct 12, 2014
    New Zealand
    This has just also happened to us. Groomer spent an hr and a half carding Pippi. Heaps or undercoat on the floor but none left on her. The poor girl is freezing as we live in New Zealand. Good to hear her undercoat will grow back more quickly in winter as she is currently curled up with me in bed on a sheepskin under the covers after a long day at agility.

    Have you noticed an increase in undercoat yet?
  5. Groves

    Groves Forums Regular

    Mar 30, 2017
    oh no!! I'm so sorry. It's a horrible experience, what makes someone do such a thing?
    I've noticed her hair is s-l-o-w-l-y growing back on the left side of her front area but little to none on her hind quarters. We just got back from the vet for a checkup---he just shook his head in disbelief. Her skin is still aggrevated due to such trauma.
  6. roguskie

    roguskie Forums Enthusiast

    Oct 12, 2014
    New Zealand
    I think we have come out very lucky. Pippi is getting a nice lot of undercoat on her body already. Could have to do with it being summer here. Her tail is slowly growing back bit very little undercoat around her neck. I hope your babys skin recovers soon

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