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Sheltie available in Bakersfield, CA

Discussion in 'Adopt a Sheltie' started by Mom2Melli, Mar 10, 2014.

  1. Tabitha

    Tabitha Forums Enthusiast

    Apr 5, 2013
    Lubbock, Texas
    If your really drawn to the dog, why don't you let Miss Melli decide? Your not getting her because you want the best for your little girl, but what if she wants another little girl to play with? You never really know...:wink2:
    Am I being mean by trying to tempt you?:eek:
  2. Mom2Melli

    Mom2Melli Forums Enthusiast

    Oct 2, 2013
    Central California
    I actually have several reasons besides Melli.

    We have a very steep staircase and a 6 pound dog might have trouble. We have a baby gate the cats go under to get to food and litter. Something that little would walk right under whereas Shay & Melli don't. Melli probably wouldn't like another female as she is spoiled and jealous. It wouldn't be fair because my husband and Shay are best buds. Melli is my best bud. If I got a tiny little thing I would coddle, protect, take with me and leave with my mom while I shopped or got into therapy visiting Melli would just be home sort of pushed aside.

    Melli and I have things to do and it's her time to shine. Maybe in a year or so but it's not time. I am certain she will get placed like in a week, but I will be watching.
  3. Tabitha

    Tabitha Forums Enthusiast

    Apr 5, 2013
    Lubbock, Texas
    You know your dog and situation better than anyone else. Wishing Sassy (the puppy) luck in finding her new forever home!:biggrin2:
  4. Mom2Melli

    Mom2Melli Forums Enthusiast

    Oct 2, 2013
    Central California
    Just contacted the shelter -- this dog has many applications on her. Not yet in a home, but many to choose from so very very soon.

    I am super glad.
  5. k9kreationz

    k9kreationz Forums Celebrity

    Oct 24, 2008
    Darn. I would have made the trip. :)

    Oh well. I can't quite afford her or agility yet anyways. Besides, would Koji be ready for a little sister? I admit, I'm kinda missing having two dogs.
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2014
  6. Mom2Melli

    Mom2Melli Forums Enthusiast

    Oct 2, 2013
    Central California
    I happen to know this shelter will, um, give priority consideration for a sizeable extra donation.

    Someone once offered them $1000 + adoption fee for Golden who was already deposited on and waiting for the spay before pickup. That person got the dog. That's how come I don't have a golden.

    Couldn't really blame them, they had some big bills to pay at the time, and Melody is the result of that.

    I probably could have gotten this dog if I had tried and waved the cash a bit, but my home is stable for now.
  7. SheepOfBlue

    SheepOfBlue Premium Member

    Oct 15, 2009
    I would not have anything to do with someone that could not keep their word. Once a deposit is taken you are obligated IMO. But to each their own
  8. Mom2Melli

    Mom2Melli Forums Enthusiast

    Oct 2, 2013
    Central California
    I was pretty sad at the time, but figured it was "God" intervening -- I mean, who starts a bidding war on a rescue AFTER it has been marked pending? That was the point we decided to go smaller and then Melli turned up.

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