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Trophies Awarded to Caro
Awarded: Dec 9, 2020
Somehow you received 5,000 likes. Are you sure you didn't register a bunch of robot users to like everything you post?
Awarded: Jan 6, 2020
Can't Get Enough of You!
Whatever you're doing, keep doing it! Somehow you have gained 2,000 likes. Good grief!
Awarded: Mar 12, 2019
King of the Hill
Your content has been liked 1000 times. You rock!
Awarded: Nov 5, 2018
Content you have posted has attracted 500 likes. You're loved.
Awarded: Jul 17, 2017
Seriously Likeable!
What can I say? Content you have posted has attracted 250 likes. I guess you're just a natural.
Awarded: Dec 23, 2016
It's Your Birthday!
Well you're a year older, but hopefully wiser!
Awarded: Sep 1, 2016
I'm Liked!
Your messages have been liked 50 times. Keep it up!
Awarded: Apr 18, 2016
Somebody Likes You
Somebody out there liked one of your messages. Keep posting like that for more!
Awarded: Apr 18, 2016
You're On FIRE!
5000 posts?! Seriously? Okay. You are to be respected and admired. Cheers! That's an achievement.
Awarded: Apr 18, 2016
Posting Champion
With some 2500 posts under your belt, there's no doubt you're a posting champ. Here's the trophy to prove it!
Awarded: Apr 18, 2016
I'm a Regular
Whoa! You have reached the milestone of 500 total Sheltie Forum posts. You're officially a regular!
Awarded: Apr 18, 2016
Keep It Going!
You've posted 10 times.
Awarded: Apr 16, 2016
1,000 messages? Impressive!
Awarded: Apr 16, 2016
Found a New Home?
100 messages? Starting to like it here, aren't you? I hope this took you more than a day!
Awarded: Apr 16, 2016
Keeps Coming Back
50 messages posted. You must like it here!
Awarded: Apr 16, 2016
First Message
You posted your 1st message. Wahoo! Here, have a trophy! :)