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Forums Luminary, from Landaff, NH
Forums Enthusiast
- elaine2004 was last seen:
- Nov 8, 2012
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- Location:
- Landaff, NH
- Occupation:
- retired due to injury to spine and neck
- Gender:
- Female
- Dogs that own me::
Kia , Sable and white 2 years old
Jewel, Sheltie Angel - 10/26/2007
Tasha, now with Jewel - 12/03/2008
54 year old animal lover
Crossword puzzles, computer, Watching movies and enjoying my Grand-Children and Obviously Shelties!Interact
Elaine, Owned by: Kiara
Jewel,( Sheltie Angel ,10/26/2007)
Tasha,(Now with Jewel : 12/3/2008)